80 coaches online • Server time: 20:45
Fear of
Fear of slime
As long as it's not raining, Blenn does well on the playing field keeping himself fairly clean.
Fear of dependence on others
Unable to let others take control, Soterio is always the first one to the ball and trying to run the show.. As long as he suceeds, no one argues.
Fear of long words
Ironic, isn't it?
Fear of knees
Team equipment manager, makes sure everyone has those kneepads to cover up the unsightly things. Watch out when an opponent has uncovered knees, he'll dive for em.
Fear of crowds or mobs
Does great on the practice field, but at a game panics when the stadium's full. If he weren't even more afraid of the mino, he's been gone in a split second.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
Fear of wild animals
A reject in the minotaur community, Ag has taken refuge in playing Blood Bowl, and playing well at that.
Fear of decaying matter
One of the relatively less disturbed of the bunch, Seplo only has serious problems when facing an undead team.
Fear of Pain
Why did he decide to play Blood Bowl when he fears pain? Maybe he's a closet masochist.
Fear of standing up and walking
New guy on the squad. Let's hope he never gets knocked down!
Thick Skull
Fear of having a vile odor
Keeps a bar of soap on him at all times and lathers himself up with anti-perspirant before each game. He's a nut, and he fits right in.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Fear of the number 13
Oh my. Who gave him this roster spot?
Fear of creepy, crawly things
One of the most well-adjusted of the bunch, as long as there are no insects or worms on the field. Runs like a little sissy when there are.
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Strip Ball
Fear of horses
Equino and Hippo are twins.. and never have you met a more maladjusted pair. They're nearly petrified of their own tails, but that makes them run faster, so their psychotic tendencies are overlooked by management.
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Fear of horses
Equino and Hippo are twins.. and never have you met a more maladjusted pair. They're nearly petrified of their own tails, but that makes them run faster, so their psychotic tendencies are overlooked by management.