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Mandelbrot's Minions
Euclidean Space was devised by the Greek mathematician, Euclid. Euclid constructed a set of rules to describe a theoretical geometric space known as Euclidean Space. Most commonly Euclidean Space is thought of as a 2-D flat surface or as a 3-D world such as the one we live in, though his axioms can easily be extended into any n dimensional space. How crazy is that?
Mighty Blow
The Cartesian Coordinate System was devised by mathematician, philosopher and all around smart French guy, Rene Descartes. The familiar x and y axis 2-D plane is a common Cartesian Space. A Cartesian Plane is represented by the (infinite) set of all points contained within the space.
Pascal's Triange is a geometric construct that begins with unity at the top of the tringle and every subsequent row is represented by a number equal to the sum of the number up and to the left and right of that position. It is named after Blaise Pascal. How badass is the name Blaise? Think about it. Blaise.
Euler's Method was devised by Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler. It is a rudimentary method for solving differential equations. There are lot of better ways to solve differential equations, such as Runge-Kutta integration, but they don t really fit the Possessive-Noun format of the (admittedly better) names of the other Warriors.
And please note, Euler is pronounced Oiler. Like the old Houston football team.
Sir Isaac Newton is the father of Calculus and Newtonian (non-relativistic) dynamics. The laws that govern almost all (observable) motion. One of the true giants of math and physics. And the apple thing... don t believe the hype.
Werner Heisenberg was a brilliant German physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics. He is forever immortalized by his Uncertainty Principle, one of the foundations of quantum physics, that states it is impossible to simultaneously know both the position and momentum of a single particle. Of course Einstein hated the principle and often refuted it, but that guy was a big jerk... for who knows better than we fumbblers that God (err Nuffle) does indeed play with dice.
Strip Ball
James Gleick is the only non-scientist to make the team. He is in fact a journalist and biographer (and amatuer scientist/mathematician) whose book, Chaos: Making a New Science, brought the ideas of Chaos Theory into the mainstream. See... finally, an actual Chaos reference.
*UPDATE* Gleick s book (which I have in my library) plays a pivotal role in the middling cop drama movie Chaos (starring Jason Statham and Wesley Snipes). Thought that was kind of cool.
Hendrik Lorentz was a Noble Prize winning physicists who made great contributions to the fields of spectroscopy, electrodynamics and modern physics. He oft collaborated with Einstein and was critical in Einstein s development of relativistic dynamics, though he was not nearly as big of a jerk. Stupid Einstein.
Sure Hands
Italian physcist, Enrico Fermi was one of the most important scientists of the 20th century. He made huge contributions to many fields, including Electro-Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Nuclear Physics. Fermi is perhaps best known for his ground breaking work in the early stages of the Manhatten Project.
There s also a cool statue of him in Rome. I had my picture taken beside it when I was there.
Mighty Blow
Leonardo of Pisa, aka Fibonacci, was perhaps the foremost mathematician of the Middle Ages (yeah, that s kind of like being the tallest dwarf). But he is largely credited with spreading the Arabic numeral system in Europe. He is best know for the exponential growth sequence, the Fibonacci Numbers, which he didn t even invent.
Paul Dirac was a British Nobel Prize winning physicist. He was a founder of the field of Quantum Mechanics and collaborated with both Fermi and Schrodinger.
He also had a Dr. Who character named after him. So that s pretty cool.
Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German genuis wunderkind. Child prodigy and contributor to science, math, astronomy and beyond. No one since Newton had such a profound effect on academia.
Gauss is oft remembered for his work in magnetism and the Gauss is the base unit of magnetic field induction. As a consequence the magnetic accelerator weapon known as a Gauss rifle is named after him. And I am sick to death of idiot gamers butchering the name. DO NOT pronounce Gauss like you would gauze!! It s Gauss... it rhymes with house!!
God, I hate gamers sometimes.
Irwin Schrodinger was a pioneer of Quantum Mechanics. His Schrodinger's Equation was a groundbreaking feat in the field, as it accurately described particle movement as a waveform. However he s probably best know for his very morbid thought experiment known as Schrodinger's Cat. Look it up if you don t know it.
Also, I once named a cat Schrodinger. Cuz I m a huge nerd.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
Break Tackle
Calculus was spawned by Newton. He is big and strong and hairy and scary. He can also show you how to find the area under the curve (via integration).
Calculus is cool.