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Parravon Crusaders
The champion of Parravon, bearing the name of the first Duke and companion of Gilles le Breton, Agligar is a valiant knight, and a true leader for the Crusaders. In battle he flies on his royal pegasus, while on the pitch he darts between his companion, valiantly throwing the ball even in the middle of the fray.
His first succesful longbomb was thrown during his second match, against the Fighting Geese.
Second son of the Duke of Parravon, and bearing the same name as his Father, Cassyon is a valiant grail knight. He grew up with Agligar de Parravon, and shares his courage and battle prowness. Nothing can stop his powerful charge, both on the pitch and on the battlefield.
Known as the "Beloved of Parravon", Laudethaire is one of the most popular knights of Parravon. Someone says that like King Louen, he received a loving kiss on his lips by the Lady herself, after drinking from the Holy Grail.
Redemond is one of the youngest Grail Knights in the Duchy of Parravon. Given his quest quite early, after having spent no more than two years as a Knight of the Realm, he found the Holy Grail in six months, returning safely to be cheered by his surprised relatives. Fiery and brave in battle, he's often seen charging in the pitch like a fury similar to the one of an Errant Knight.
Famous for wearing a black armor while fighting in a Joust, Malagant has a dark fame, even being a Grail Knight. Someone says that he was a brigand before being converted by the Fey Enchantress and embracing Knighthood.
What's sure is his unmatched physical strenght, that makes of him a fearsome opponent both on the battlefield and on the pitch.
Marshall of Lyonesse, Roland is a young but talented questing knight. He's quite famous for blowing a glorious note with his horn just before every charge and every kickoff on the field.
He catched the first longbomb in the Crusaders' history against the Fighting Geese, scoring a memorable touchdown.
Called "The Red Lion of Lyonesse" by most of his fans (partly for his red hair and partly for the red lion on his emblem), Henry has been recruited to play in the Crusaders after the previous catcher, Theodoric le Jeune, met his death in an heated match against a dark elven team.
Henry is a veteran questing knight, with many battles weighing on his shoulders, and a powerful player on the pitch. Few can resist the fury of the lion indeed.
Hailing from the Duchy of Bastonne, Jasperre is famous for having single handedly slain the great red dragon Malgrimace, but he's even more famous for his legendary beauty, that makes him extremely popular between the cheering damsels of Parravon.
Also called "Le Trobadeur", Tristan is a skilled bard besides being a glorious knight. His glorious warsongs are often heard on the battlefield as well as on the pitch during a winning match.
Strong and reliable Jean-Luis comes from the Duchy of Montfort. Expecially suited to carry out defensive tactics, he's a pillar of the team, always in the middle of the pitch encouraging his companions to stand firm with his booming voice.
Hailing from the Duchy of Quenelles, Tancred is extremely pious and devoted to the worship of the Lady. He feels a peculiar hatred for the undead, and he's known to hunt them down in his free time as well as in battle or on the Blood Bowl pitch.
He gained a special place in the hearts of the fans after scoring the first touchdown in the Crusaders' history against the Fighting Geese.
Justin joined the team as a reserve, but, as a true Knight of Bordelaux he immediately proved quite invaluable due to his ability to fight and play effectively during rainy days, when the pitch becomes heavy and wet. While other players are often bogged down to a crawl, he darts around the field like he was bathed in the warm midsummer sunlight.