16 coaches online • Server time: 07:28
Gorblatz Ladz
Stabba is most influential player, he actually cares about winning and not just duffing people up..........
Stabba has had a rich vein of scoring form lately, this is mainly due to the squig dung he smears on his hands before the game. This gives him an edge over the rest of the team who, have never had a hope in hell of picking the ball up..................
Gouga is the oldest of all the remaining tribal orcs, he plays bloodbowl like he's been in the game for years. He's very quiet for an orc, some would say even quite thoughful.
Gouga has been at the heart of the Ladz best plays this season and many pundits think the old timer would have been a fantastic player by now if he had've started playing earlier.
Urtz is a bit of a coward among Orcs. His name tells his story as he is always saying "it 'urtz!".
Urtz is not a bad player but needs encouraging to get in the thick of it, which has seen him sitting on the bench for a few matches. The smell coming from Creepa keeps Urtz close enough to the touchline to get him on quickly, his perfomances have improved and he's a little tougher into the bargain.
Howla, named so cos he talks in a loud booming voice and never shuts up.
Because of this the team have made him captain, not because he's good at it but it occupies his tiny mind enough to keep him quiet.
Howla is a typical lineman, doing as little as he can and smashing heads together when he has the best chance of coming out on top.
Sneaka thinks he is a bloodbowler and he loves to tell the other goblins all about it, this has elevated his position in goblin society immensely. However, though a player for the Ladz, sneaker does little other than carry water and sponges for the team, but he is a very good liar, even for a goblin.
Sneaker has played three times now, each time when other players were unable to carry on and each time he has hid in the corner of the pitch..............
Sneaka is in an untenable position at the moment with the black orcs in the team wanting his hide for voting against them when nominating a vice captain...........Grolk is his only protection. However this is also arguable as Sneaka has heard Howla trying to encourage Grolk to throw him down the pitch when he has the ball...........
This may be the reason why Sneaka has not touched the ball yet..........
Creepa scored a touchdown and has never stopped talking about it since. He makes up a new series of event each time he tells the story and will tell anyone close enough to listen (or pretend to).
Creepa has much the same roll as Creepa, he carries water and washes the team jock straps.................consequently he smells bad and because of this Sneaka starts ahead of him despite his better scoring record.
Rippa is a new player, abducted from a hunting party around black fire pass. He put up a hell of a fight and when the ladz told him why they kept him alive he was all too happy to join up, fighting is life for this young orc.
Rippa has had a competant if quiet start to his Bloodbowl career, letting the other blitzers take the plaudits. Many pundits feel a man of the match performance and a maiden touchdown will come soon for Rippa and his confidence will flow from then on.
Chucka has replaced the now dead Lobba in the lineup and proved superior in every way..............for starters he can throw a football. Chucka has also proved tougher than Lobba and has also scored for the team.
The ladz have been very impressed with the start Chucka has made, he even carries the ball when Stabba is injured or unavailable. Therefore they have made Chucka the club Vice Captain. This has not gone down well with the blockers who feel one of their number should be involved in decisions since they do all the hitting...............unfortunately for the Black Orcs the Goblin and troll votes went against them. So if they even get past Grolk Sneaka and Creepa have got it coming to them.........
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Grolk is the teams most recent recruit, he doesn't really know he's in the team and is lured to matches by trails of squig morsels.
Once on the pitch Grolk is unstoppable when he's on his game.........which isn't very often. Grolk needs a player by his side to tell him who to hit, usually this is Howla the team captain. This would be practical if the team had an extra player on the field...........but they don't. either way Howla isn't complaing, he gets to hide behind Grolk's massive bulk.