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Golden Blitzers
Aratagar is member of the original team.
He is the captain of the team.
In the first game, he made two completions which led to two touchdowns. The first one of those was the first SPP ever earned by the team and the first completion made by the team.
In his second game, he made two more completions which again led to two touchdowns.
Once again, in his third match, he made two completions, this time allowing him to learn a new skill. Coach Oblitzamanger thought it was time he increased his arm strength, so he helped develop a strong arm.
He made a record three completions in his fifth game.
In his seventh game, he made one.
He made two more in his eigth game.
In his ninth game, he got his first SPPs other than COMPs by winning the MVP of the match, despite spending a good deal of it being badly hurt. This allowed him to learn how to better protect himself in blocks, because Coach Oblitzamanger did not want his best passer to be injured too soon.
In his next game, he made two more COMPs.
Neapolithica joined the team after it's tenth game.
He scored two touchdowns in his second game, allowing him to learn Block.
Vehilion is member of the original team.
In his second game, he made a pass at the very end to earn one SPP, then earned the team's MVP, allowing him to learn how to block better.
He gouged the eye of a Wood Elf Linelf in his twelth game.
Aunuan joined the team after it's seventh game.
He got the MVP in his second game.
He made a COMP in his third game, allowing him to learn how to take down those pesky dodgers with Tackle.
In his fifth game, he made a pass that resulted in a touchdown, and gave a concussion to a Wardancer.
Iaurhil joined the team after it's fourth match. He is the elder twin brother to Iaurhel by a few minutes, and is the younger brother to the late Novorod.
He got his hip smashed in his first game. He would always be slower, and he would have to miss the next game.
In his third game, he got the MVP.
In his sixth game, he made a pass. Since he is often used on the front line due to his speed, he was taught Block to be a better Linelf. He skilled up at the same time his brother did.
He badly hurt a Wood Elf Linelf in his seventh game.
Iaurhel joined the team after it's fourth match. He is the younger twin brother to Iaurhil by a few minutes, and is the younger brother to the late Novorod.
In his third game, he fouled a Norse Lineman, giving him a concussion. He then made a completion.
He got the MVP in his seventh game, allowing him to learn how to placekick. He skilled up at the same time that his brother did.
Beletharato is member of the original team.
He earned the team's first MVP award.
At the very begginning of his second game, he passed to Aratagar. After the game, he really worked on his agility and increased it, gaining the first skill increase on the team.
In his fourth game, he made an astounding play, as he lost the ball, he got up and dodged to blitz the (stalling) Ag 4 Halfling. The Fling saw what was coming and smashed Beletharato so hard that it knocked him out. But he landed such a hit that smashed the Fling so hard that it killed him beyond the point of being able to be saved by the apothecary. With this stunning kill, and with a pass earlier in the game in order to set up a score, he pulled off an incredible performance.
He made two more completions in his sixth game...
...And another one in his seventh.
In his ninth game, he scored a touchdown and made two more completions. This allowed him to learn how ot guard his team mates, which paired with his extra agility, would come in handy for the injury filled team.
He lived long enough to make a COMP in his tenth game!
He got an MVP in his twelth game.
Sindacu is member of the original team.
He made a pass just to get an SPP in his first game.
In his seventh game, he got the MVP, allowing him to become the team's third player to increase his agility.
In his ninth game, he got a serious concussion from a Chaos Warrior. He would have to miss the next game, and his head would always have a soft spot.
He made a pass in his eleventh game.
Hallaandune is member of the original team.
In his second game, he recieved a pass from Dimfennas and scored.
In his third game, he caught a pass from Aragatar and scored again. He learned how to guard his team mates better at the next practice.
In his fourth game, he caught another pass, this time from Imbekanoion and scored the winning touchdown on the last turn.
In his fifth game, he killed a Linerat.
Palansereg joined the team after it's second game.
In his second game, after being pumped up on coffee, and borrowing an old pair of Knuckledusters, he badly hurt two Halflings, and managed to kill one, without the use of the apothecary. This is the first death inflicted by the team, and since he got three casualties, he learned how to dodge better, becoming the team's first Blodger.
In his third game, he got the MVP.
In the next game, he scored a touchdown and badly hurt a Human Blitzer. Being the first player on the team to learn two skills, he learned how to side step opponents better so he could be more of a nuisance. With the team in shambles, they really needed nuisances.
In his fifth game, he badly hurt a Norse Lineman.
Palansereg scored his second touchdown in his eigth game, but was badly hurt shortly afterwards.
Oroampaiel is member of the original team.
In his first game, he recovered the ball and passed it to Quellehith, which eventually led to the tying touchdown.
In his third game, he rushed upfield and pounced on a loose ball, then survived a blitz and scored.
He scored a touchdown in his fourth game again. This allowe dhim to learn something new. Watching Beletharato, and asking him how he got his extra agility, Oroampaiel modeled his training and also increased his agility.
He made a completion in his sixth game.
He made another completion in his tenth game.
In his twelth game, he broke the jaw of a Wood Elf Linelf, and then passed the ball for a touchdown.
Horantianthor joined the team after it's eighth game.
In his first game, he pinched the nerve of a Chaos Beastman that was saved by the apothecary. Then, he scored a touchdown. After that, he made a completion, allowing him to increase his speed.
In his second game, he scored two improbable touchdowns.
He scored another touchdown in his fourth game.