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Da Undertakerz
Sure Hands
Strong Arm
Killed Foulsmell Sid, Tailed Tormentors Skaven lineman, at the very first game in 2006-08-23. However, the tight game was lost 2-1.
Drago from Darkwood Faires deliveder concussion in first game against them in 2006-08-24.
Fargh was attaqcking Farie's lineman Verian in their second meeting in 2006-08-25. Despite the two blockers and one lineman who were assisting the attack, Fargh broke his own leg. The fractured leg has been niggling since then.
Tackled Darkwood Fairie's linemanThragni to dead in Hazgil's 5th game at 2006-08-25. The game was won 3-0.
Thog da Cruz'da Teethz fouled together with his team-mates Tailed Tormentors' rat ogre, Farthing Slayer, during the so called revenge match 2006-08-24, and caused a smashed collar bone. Tailed Tormentors concended the match soon after.
Badger Bob Storm Vermin of Tailed Tormentors fractured Ngor's arm at Da Undertakerz first game at 2006-08-23.
In game at 2006-08-25 Gorgo blocked Darkwood Fairies lineman Verian, who in turn pushed his own team-mate Furth out of field. Furth has had back problems since then.
Sathug the Evil was the hero of his very first game against the Tailed Tormentors. He managed to intercept the pass targeted to Da Undertakerz end zone were a Skaven gutter runner was waiting. He was chosen as the most valuable player in that game.
Diedrich from Desolition Thirst broke Bargh da Crazed's jaw in their meeting in 2006-08-24.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate