14 coaches online • Server time: 05:10
Friends of Hellmutt
Edgar von Ramstein is a close friend of Hellmutts family, and was the one that had to identify the body of Hellmutt, as it lay, beaten to mush by a bunch of ogres. He swore to avenge the deads and joined the team.
Franz von Otten has made a fortune buying and selling blood bowl equipment. To try out new gear he was most eager to join Hellmutt in his friday night games.
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<b><center>Franz von Ottens log</center></b>
Match 5. It´s a sad day. Hellmutt had arranged a blind-match and little did we know what was awaiting us. When we showed up for the game, no less than 4 ogres were there to play vs us! We were getting knocked out left and right, and it olmost criplled Franz, but our apothecary could treat that wound. In the end of the game, only Hellmutt and Dieter von Fonstein were left standing and Hellmutt tried scoring rather than running for cover and the ogres gathered around Hellmutt and smashed him so hard that no man could ever survive. In the memory of Hellmutt, I will keap writing this log, and we will keep playing the game. The ogres was more concerned about beating us up than scoring, and we won the game by 2-0.
PS. I think Dieter von Fonstein has been working out alot as he is now strong as an ox.
Match 6. It was a tough fight, with many one-on-ones. The orcs prooved to be better at this as they almost won every of these brawls. We however managed to pull of a draw even if it was close in the end. This game we once again had help from the crowd, throwing rocks at the other team. They really must love us! Peter von Trapp said he hurt his back and will not play with us the next game, but thats ok as one of Marnold old friends are going to join us for that game.
Match 7. By Sigmar it was hot today. Many of us got so hot that we could not play all the time while the darkelves on the other team did not seem affected at all. It was a good thing we had help from Griff Obervald today, otherwise we would not have been able to get a draw in this heat. Those elfs were dodgy, especially that witchelf, but in the end I got the hang of how to tackle their moves, and then I hurt that supprised witchelf really bad!
Dieter von Fonstein usually deals with black market Blood Bowl tickets and often saves the best tickets for himself. He has seen some dirty tricks that he wants to try in the local games.
Got a concussion in his first game.
Stuttrich von Betelhof is a master of contraband. He is also the main supplier of secret weapons to the Altdorf Blood Bowl league. But just seeing the carnage dealt by his goods is no longer enough!
Montz von Platten is a filty rich nobleman, has never earned a single copperpiece of his own. He only spends his family wealth on Blood Bowl, women and boose, in that order. His only thrills in life is his secret games in the lokal league.
Peter von Trapp enjoys pain, in other people. Preferably poor people. When not beating up peasants in the local tavern, he enter the local games to deal some pain to the other players.