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Napoleon's Heroes
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
He came, he saw, he whooped some arse! Julius 'The Emporer' Ceasar was one of the toughest, hardest-hitting and just-plain nastiest defensive enforcers in the history of the sport. He was instrumental in leading the Roman Legionaires to 10 straight European championship titles between 55 and 45 BC, a run which was inspired by the team's introduction of ruthlessly efficient training regimes and tactics. For almost a generation the Legionaires' monotonous efficiency ruled across the continent before in-fighting amongst the coaching staff finally checked their success.
Mighty Blow
The true details of the mystery surrounding the retirement of the Afrikan Craps' veteran defensive tackle Erwin Rommel may never be known. Despite being a fan favourite - his sack-dances were notoriously elaborate and earned him several advertising contracts during his short career - he was always at odds with the team's head coach, many attribute this friction to his early departure from the sport.
Since returning from the grave to line up for Napoleon's Heroes, Rommel has refused to comment on past matters - save to say of his late head coach "I'm glad he's dead."
He died once for Napoleon's Heroes, and now he's back without as much skill as he had before...
Legendary Head Coach of the Shandong Sharks, Sun Tzu was a formidable player in his time who clocked up 58 sacks from defensive end in a career which spanned 13 years and 2 championships. Sun was renowned for his inspirational pre-game motivational speaches and his columns in the sports pages of the Beijing Times, articles often espoused the benefits of outwitting one's opponent in the pre-game before setting foot on the field.
"If you know both yourself and your enemy, you will come out of one hundred battles with one hundred rushing yards." Sun Tzu 500BC.
A talented wide reciever with the Toledo Tortillas, Cortez took the international stage by storm after his contraversial transfer to the Tlaxcalan leagues in the summer of 1503. Head coach of the Tenochtitlan Titans - Moctezuma - is said to have been so impressed by Cortez's 40 yard sprint times that he likened him to a god.
Cortez's career in the Mexican Premiership was littered with contraversial decisions, altercations with the crowd and an increasingly venomous relationship with his former colleagues in the Spanish leagues. Cortez never played for the Spanish national side despite stacking up over 12,000 yards recieving over the course of his Mexican career.
Suleiman I - not to be confused with his grandson and journeyman wicketkeeper Suleiman III - remains the Ottoman national league's all time top defensive back. With careers stats of 50 interceptions and 40 sacks, it is a record which is unlikely to ever be broken - mainly because of the league's untimely dissolusion in 1918 after a wide-ranging investigation into financial irregularities by the sport's world governing body.
Since becoming a ghoul Suleiman I has spent most of his time deciding which type of raw flesh is the sweetest; but after lengthy contract negotiations with coach Napoleon he is ready to get back on to the football field and remind the world who he used to be.
Lee has the worthy honour of being the only American recognised by the international Blood Bowl community as being 'any good' at the game. Sports-writing compatriots of his continue to fill their newspapers with stupifyingly parochial editorials about how his game-winning touchdown rush in the dying seconds of the 1862 Fredericksburg invitational made him and his team mates 'world champions', but their kind are generally looked upon by the rest of the world with a mixture of confusion and sympathy.
Lee himself was the outstanding running back of his generation, he rushed for a total of 19,000 yards in a career which spanned 15 years and saw him crowned 'world champion' on no less than 6 occasions.
Atilla is known affectionately as 'super-zombie' after his iron man performance in the Heroes' now legendary loss to 'Something is Rotten'. He defied all laws of logic and probability by single-handedly taking on most of the Rotters' running attack after the rest of his team mates were busy being beaten to a pulp and nowhere to be seen.
Although his efforts were ultimately in vain - his performances will live on eternally in the form of clips on 'what happened next' DVDs.
Often touted as one of the finest guards in the history of the sport, Hannibal was a first-pick in the offensive line of the Tunisian Tigers and was selected for the end-of-season all-Carthage team in 10 of 12 years of his illustrious career.
Alongside the statistics (an average of 0.5 sacks given up per game in which he was playing), Hannibal is credited with being the inspiration behind the Tigers' legendary 'Elephant' play which helped his team to the championship in BC200 before the tactic was banned by the international rules comittee.
As a quarterback for the Jerusalem Halos, Saladin had a reasonably successful career - one which saw him finish with career figures of 20,000 yards and 203 touchdowns. Saladin's major contribution to middle eastern Blood Bowl came between the years of 1186 and 1190 while he was the commissioner of the Syrian pro leagues. The league was riddled with corruption and awash with bungs and illegal betting - often financed by western European gambling consortiums. Saladin dedicated his remaining days to fighting against foreign influences and cleaning up the sport in his homeland.
During his 15 seasons as the London Columns' starting quarterback, it was always Nelson's stoicism and public demeanour rather than his ability on the field that captured the imagination of the nation's sports lovers.
Despite losing an arm in a tackle in his first season, Nelson rebounded to become the Columns' best-loved if least-accurate quarterback in the team's history. His bravery in the face of overwhelming odds and leadership skills were legendary, he managed to drag the Columns into 2 championship games - both of which he lost.
His cheerful demeanour and never-say-die attitude is even said to have followed to him to his death. Nelson was killed after being eaten by a particularly ferocious Troll. Even as the hulking green monster approached him head-first, Nelson is reported to have said "I see no Troll..."
Inspirational on-field leader of the Frankish Falcons during their dynastic pre-dark ages reign over the All-Europe pro leagues, Charlemagne scored his only - but the team's third - TD in their rout of the Lombard Lions in the final of the Alpine invitational tournament of AD774.
Despite Jackson's renown and considerable success in the North American leagues during the latter half of the 19th centuary, he will always be remembered for his mysterious absence during the final of the 1863 Pensylvania invitational. The star full back's life was often shrouded in mystery, and fans have long since argued over what might have happened had he turned up for the game. Then - and current - team mate Robert Lee scored 2 touchdowns in the game, but is was not enough; the Southern Grey-Jackets lost 4-3 to the Washington Federalists in a brutally-fought contest.
Lukaas Smalleye - he was a great and very famous general. Wasn't he? Err; since being raised from his zombie status with the Iron Bru Re-Animators to his new and improved, well, zombie-status with Napoleon's heroes, Lukaas has had a tough time fitting in with his legends-in-their-own-times team mates.
Smalleye's greatest ambition is to be killed, re-raised and play once again for the Re-animators.
In the meantime he is having a very handy career thank-you-very-much, getting in the way of opposing chaos warriors and making really really bad attempts to tackle wood elves.