40 coaches online • Server time: 13:15
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Mr Smash likes to smash. but actully he normally spends the entire game looking up at the pretty clouds, not from the floor its just he passes his stupidity test as much as nurgle warriors get laid!
His big and his black, need anything else?
Normally Da Boss of the team is chosen by size, but they had a faulty tape measure. No one dare question his command, after all he da boss so he da strongest!
Thick even by orc terms, thicky has been seen missing matchs trying to count how many fingers he has on one hand, and thats on a good day. One time a troll got so fed up with Thicky's failed finger counting that he snapped off 3 of the orcs fingers then told him to count them. He still had trouble.