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Canton Fodder
Sure Hands
Ewan "Bullseye" O'Flanagan got his nickname not because of his passing accuracy, but for a rather unfortunate birthmark on his chest.
Sure Hands
Hail Mary Pass
Walter "Stumpy" Molotov, so named because one leg is significantly shorter than the other. His last name is appropriate as well; when he throws the ball, chaos ensues.
Pete has his own seat reserved in the infirmary.
Update: in a recent game against Crazy Hijinks that has been described by experts as a "rape factory," Pete "Dead Meat" Thompson was the one player who never took the field. He was given the MVP award for the game, as that was by far a better performance than all fourteen of the players who actually got in the game.
Sure Feet
Joseph is able to obtain astounding speeds on the pitch, but only when he's being chased by half-rabid orcs.
Deitrich "Knuckles" Wladislaw is the only player of any real talent on the team. Nobody's sure if he's here because of a mistake in his contract, or if he lost a bet.
Tough as a two-dollar steak, and half as smart.
Denton Harwood, who signed on after the bloody shambles that was the Fodder's first "victory", is a man with nothing to live for. If he did, he wouldn't have signed with this team.
Slayton Rockwell does not actually own a helmet--he doesn't need one. During his college, he was the victim of a terrible accident, in which his skull was partially crushed. He survived only because of a radical experimental surgery--a skull transplant. He was given a dwarf skull, which explains his incredibly thick (if tiny) head. It also explains his incredible beard.
Franklin "Fractures" van der Krutch has suffered a broken leg on so many occasions that the break can no longer be mended. Instead, team doctors installed a second knee on that leg.
Bryan Salisbury "Bloody Stupid" Johnson; the only player who signed on with the team after the coach was hired.
Jonas Jefferson McTraction has had every bone in his entire body broken at least once. His most spectacular injury was during a hiking accident, when he managed to break one-and only one--of the small bones in his ear.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Fluffy is the name of the pet rabbit belonging to Dumphrey Bewildered's daughter, Grizelda. Fluffy is not a rabbit at all, but is in fact an enormous ogre. Rock-stupid runs in the family, it seems.
"Clueless" Morgan Majors wanted to become the best male ballet dancer in history...so he went to sign up for training. Unfortunately, he signed up for the Blood Bowl training camp by mistake. This explains why he tends to run on his tiptoes and pirouette occasionally while on the field.
It also explains why the Fodder signed him immediately.
Isadore Stanton has the speed, agiliiy, and skills to be a great Blood Bowl player. He also has the ailments that prevent success from ever happening. Isadore has a great deal of trouble staying on his feet, owing to his low strength, poor sense of direction, two left feet, lack of peripheral vision, vertigo, and narcolepsy. Who would sign such an unfortunate loser?
Who else?
Hammond Smith joined the ranks of professional Blood Bowlers six years ago, and only now has signed on with a team. Naturally, that team was the Canton Fodder, who couldn't resist the skills (or lack thereof) of the man known to the experts as "the worst of what's left."