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Smelly Inc. Workers Team
Big Guy
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Multiple Block
In the Smelly Inc. Workers Team first ever match they faced the hodge-podge of weird goblins known as the BX Bombers. After recieving the kick and moving a few beastmen around Boss Big-Belch threw the first block as is his right. This block resulted in the death of Kennix. Unbeknownst of the sinister powers of Nurgle the coach threw a tantrum, thinking that with his first kill in the Grudge Match League and with his beloved beast he would be robbed of his first selfclaimed rotter, but after seeing Kennix morph and wake in the opponents RIP box, making his slow way to our box he certainly changed his mind about playing against goblins, saying: "This is the best game i have ever played."
Again when facing small opponents Boss Big-Belch turns one of them into a worker for the Smelly Inc. Company. Don't Think is probably going to be the last addition by The Boss for a while.
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
In the first round of the Grudge Match League Filthgobbler made his first kill in the game vs. Stankovian Horde. The dumb Vampires was no match for the hordes of Nurgle's own factories. Foreman Filthgobbler blocked the cowering thrall Lubomir Vlakic which broke completely apart under his furious assault. The scattered parts were found over a large area some of them too small to be picked up.
In Smelly Inc. Workers Team's last game of the second round of The Grudge Match League Filthgobbler proved himself once again. It seemed that he had become envious of Kennix, a goblin turned into a rotter, and wanted to show who was the best of them. He did this by stomping the goblin Fjedix from Full Grown Snotlings into a crimson pulp with little yellowwhite bits in it, thus showing what he thinks about goblins in general.
Foul Appearance
Pukegorger has been a somewhat lazy foreman, not achiving much on the field. In Smelly Inc. Workers Team's first match of the second round he did kill one of the evil little gits from BX Bombers making sure that the team won on points. The goblin was one of those with large ironshod boots one called Prebnix i think.
While it seems like Scappicker is not the most ferocious beastman on Smelly Inc. Workers Team he did however prove that even a tactical ball-carrier can make shot work of the gobbos from Full Grown Snotlings. He killed the Goblin Flux by grabbing its scappy little leg and hammering him into the ground repeatedly. What was left didn't look much like a goblin... didn't look like much at all.
After being blessed by Nurgle Foulwart has become a truly evil menace. The blessing made Foulwarts one hand into a set of spined pincers, which he used very efficiently in the game against Dreamwood Dodgers. In the middle of the 1st half he killed a lineman called Solijain Soulstar, (where do they get those awfull names?) but this was no enough for Foulwart. Throwing the very first block of the second half he killed of yet another brittle little woodelf called Rakladar Riverheart. (I kid you not those are the names of the players on that team, which is reason enough to just kill them)
Foulwart is a dangerous player in The Grudge Match League. In the game vs. Full Grown Snotlings Foulwart lowered his horns and rammed into the goblin Tjod. ripping of both of its little worthless legs. while this didn't kill the goblin outright the fast slash of Foulwarts claws across its neck (taking the goblins head right of rolling it down the field into the crowd) surely did the trick. This 3rd kill from Foulwart earned him his rightfull place as the most vengefull player in the grudge match league.
Foul Appearance
Don't Think II was once a skink, seems like Boss Big-Belch has a fondness for turning smaller opponents into working for the team. 2 injuries and 2 rotters gained for Smelly Inc.
Foul Appearance
Kennix is a former goblin fra the team BX Bomber, who fell to Boss Big-Belch from the very first block ever made by Smelly Inc. Workers Team. Being made from a goblin, Kennix is a little small even in his new form.