Nurgle's Supermutant Creatures
Big Guy
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Extreme popularity, Weather control, Can create Mutants<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> Nurgle<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Father Wand<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Father Shuttle</p>
Foul Appearance
<p align="left"><b>Powers:</b> Generates heat, can travel through time, and control other's minds.<br /><b>Source of powers:</b>The General Crustacean
is a Supernatural mutant.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> General Bullets<br /><b>Transportation:</b> General Gateway</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Weather control, Gadget creation, Intuition.<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> Mutant training.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Chameleon Rapier.<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Hour Tractor.</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Has Omnidirectional sight, can generate and control Flames<br /><b>Source of powers:</b>The Archlion is a Solar mutant<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Archclub<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Archblimp</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Invisiblity and instant language understanding<br /><b>Source of powers:</b>The Phantom Scarab is a chemical mutant.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Scarab Suction Cup<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Scarab Hydrofoil</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Is Bullet-proof and intangible.<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> The Secret Cat has been created through mutant mathematics.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Secret Sword<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Secret Canoe</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Possess super spelling and a perfect pitch<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> The Beta Valkyrie gained her powers through mutant electrocution.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Beta Shield<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Valkyrie Flight Ring</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Possesses super-human hand-eye coordination and super-human weight-guessing accuracy<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> Jadeette participated in a mutant home study course<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Slingshotette<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Jade Hang Glider</p>
Foul Appearance
<p align="left">Forseti used to be a Blitzer for <a href="">Thor's Pantheon</a>. But what is Thor against an offer to become one of Nurgle's Supermutant Creatures? <br /><br /><b>Power(s):</b> Plant control, Unaided outer space travel<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> <a href="">Father Cow</a><br /><b>Weapon:</b> Gas Orb<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Shrinking Surfboard</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Possesses pyrokinesis and omnidirectional sight<br /><b>Source of powers:</b> The Time Android has been created through mutant technology.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Time Suction Cup<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Time Seahorse</p>
<p align="left"><b>Power(s):</b> Possesses a reinforced skeleton and enhanced senses <br /><b>Source of powers:</b> The Dawn Fox got its powers through mutant genetic engineering.<br /><b>Weapon:</b> Fox Pencil<br /><b>Transportation:</b> Dawn Zebra</p>