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Coldstone Cold Stones
Bang is the son of retired Tang Mortor, who was also a blitzer for the team. This early in Bang's career he seems to be every bit as rounded a player as his father, and has taken on many of the same style's of play.
Bang was the only surviving blitzer left on the roster after the Slay em All Stars game.
Despite other players that fill Niches, and fill defined role's no player on the Cold Stone roster is as specialized as Flair Igneous. He was the very first player to define his role on the team, and nobody has ever attempted to take it away from him.
As the Coldstone kicker, he does not get very many oppurtunities to score, he gets to throw the occasional pass, but spends most of his time as a free safety in the backfield, lending a hand to Crime MockGranite when needed. He has little to no loyal fans, but any Bloodbowl analyst can site to you the instances of his importance, often using his skills to turn a tight victory into a blow out.
Petrice Fossil is a strange player on the Coldstone lineup. His speed, agility, and lack of violence has caused many to question his origins. Rumors began circulationg that he was really a Wood Elf outcast (even his name, "Petrice", is somewhat mansy Wood Elf Pansyish.) His willingness to weasel out of any bad situation is offset by his exteme competency ballhandling.
Petrice is one of those players that fans love to hate, yet all will begrudgingly give him the respect he has earned. Losing Petrice would be such a blow to the team that even his harshest critics could not deny his value.
Petrice was an original member of the team, and of the first 30 games, he has not missed a single one.
Graft Splitfault is the natural underdog, and therefore a fan favorite. Graft has been plagued with aging (the same malady that struck SzeSz Jagged and Stalagtite) as well as injury. Despite the hand of fate, Graft has not let this condition end his career.
Graft is one of those players that nobody (not his coach, his fans, his teammates, nor even himself) expects to be breathing after each game. As a result, Graft overcompensates by throwing himself in front of mummies, treeman, minotaurs, and Rat Ogres, only to find himself intact after the end of the match. He has gotten so skilled at these dangerous missions that he has only missed 1 game out of his first 30.
Graft is equally famous for his "I am still alive" parties after each match, that are debateably more dangerous than the matches he survived.
After the death of Karn Breakchisel, Petrice Fossil was able to step up and take over the ball handling for the team. But as a result of the disastrous death, the mortality of the ball handlers became much more evident.
Janice Avalanche was conditioned to fit into the role of Petrice's backup. Asperon Thorn still opted out of using a dedicated thrower and felt that the team already contained the skills necessary to move the ball. In a recent shift of the offense, Janice has been filling in as the passer much more often, causing followers of the team to wonder what Asperon could be planning for.
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Stalagtite is perhaps the most famous player to ever be on the Coldstone Cold Stone's roster. Cold Stone enthusiasts would cite the late Jamp Pyrite, but in reality only the die hard older fans, and historians will remember his contribution. Stalagtite is alive and still bringing in the crowds.
Stalagtite was the second of the Stalag witches to join the team, shortly after her sister Stalagmite. She proved to be the more violent of the two sisters and has managed to bottle up an entire side of the field with her beserker efforts. The combination of her carnage, Crank BadQuartz's surgical strikes, and Crime MockGranite's deep coverage, have wrecked the plans of more than one carefully planned offense. <br>
Her most heroic and famous effort was in <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=30686">Game 25 vs the Blood Freaks Chaos team.</a><br>
Stalagtite has begun to feel the effects of age, however, and knows that her time remaining on the team is limited. She has already begun to defer to other players, on the pitch, to allow them to gain experience that she no longer needs.
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Frieza Jagged had a very different start than her ambitious sister SzeSz. SzeSz tried to jump right into the fray and instead got herself beaten to a pulp.
Asperon Thorn took Frieza aside, explained to her the game plan for her first game, and watched her execute it flawlessly. Frieza made 3 touchdowns and a completion in her first game.