Mighty Blow
Piling On
<i> One of the most sickening murderers ever to have breathed. It took no less than 4 judges and rumors even say the Prince himself to sign the papers to allow Jorell to play for the Messiahs. The general concensus is the hope that Jorell will get killed on the Bloodbowl field. Rumors even suggest that the Messiahs themselves want shot of him ! </i>
<b>Personal Kills</b>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Tamargo, Gutter Runner 6 Games 15 Sps, dodge, block <a href="">Skavens Powa, Skaven.</a>
Jorell Blitzed and killed this pesky Gutter Runner to protect the Messiahs ball carrier.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Asante Samuelf , Lineman 18 Games 11 Sps, Block <a href="">NelFL, Wood Elf.</a>
In a game with a frustraiting first half Jorell showed his anger by removing this Wood Elf. The teams Apothcary had already been used saving another of Jorell's victims.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Judith , Lineman 34 Games 108 Sps, Claw, Block, Razor Sharp Claws, Horns, Tackle <a href="">Fliegendes Selbstmordkommando, Skaven.</a>
Jorell sought revenge when he blitzed this killer rat. Being the sick minded man he is he wasted little time disembowling the creature.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>Buckle , Thrower 29 Games 38 Sps, +ST, Nerves of Steel, Sure Hands <a href="">Janus, Norse.</a>
Jorell used piling on to obliterate this thrower. The team apothcary failed saving his life. It was the one high point in a game that saw the messiahs lose 3 players and also somehow lose 3-2.
<a href=""><img src=""></a> Speedy Stevie , Lineman 14 Games 51 Sps Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Side Step, Sure Hands <a href="">Death of Rats, Skaven.</a>
Jorell seems to have a knack for killing the right players. In this game he claimed his second Gutter Runner.
<b>Personal Progression</b>
<b>Game 1:</b> <i> Mighty Blow </i>
<b>Game 3:</b> <i> Tackle </i>
<b>Game 11:</b> <i> Piling On </i>
<b>Game 23:</b> <i>Guard</i>
<b>Game 34: </b> <i> +Ma </i>
<b> Aging </b>
<b> Game 34 </b> <i> niggle </i>
<b> Injuries </b>
<b> Game 38 </b> <i> Niggle </i>
<b>Game 4:</b> Jorell was nammed team captain dispite his nasty disposition. He already proved that he was an asset on the Bloodbowl pitch. The team have a grudging respect for him which some whisper is more fear.
<b>Game 26</b> Jorell suffered from a nasty injury, but luckily the teams apothcary was able to ensure there was no permanent damage. Being the tough SOB he is, Jorell went back onto the field and took his agression out on a Gutter Runner !
<b>Game 30</b> Jorell was killed by Judith, a killer skaven player. The apothcary saved him from near death and Jorell was able to continue. Swift Raegen fouled the creature to death but the apothcary saved him. Eye to Eye again it was murderer vs murderer. Jorell set the rat that had almost claimed his life clear in his sights and killed it much to his own satisfaction.
<b> Game 38</b> Jorell picked up his 5th kill but was given a harsh beat down from a over strenghthed rat. This time he couldnt shake off the injury. Rumors are now amoch that Jorell may have played one of his last games of Blood Bowl.
<b>Game 34 </b> Jorell causes four casualties one of which was a kill.