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Andredswald Rangers
Joined in season 10 for the game against Legends of Soul.
Signed after one game of season 9. 19 blocks and 6 rushing in his first season 1 td and 2cas for 7spp.
Dirty Player
Foul Appearance
Another slow starter reached 5 SPP in his 18th game. He is the dirty player of the team and despite orders from his coach to desist from this despicable practise has still managed 5 fouls in his 18 games.
Since Eadric insists on fouling the coach has now given him permission to foul in season 7 on the strict instruction that he makes it count. Failure will result in him being sacrificed to Nuffle at the end of the season. Earned the dirty player skill in his 22nd game.
Managed to SI a skink with a foul in his 23rd game but got sent off. Ko'd a beastman and Si a Warrior with 2 fouls in the game against State of Chaos.
Finished season 7 on 10 fouls after 25 games.
Fouled a SI on a DP Zombie in the Cup 1st round against Doomed from the Start and made an interception as well. In his 29th game he became the last player to be ever present since the team started. It this game against Irn Bru he caused a SI on a wight with a foul.
Rewarded with foul Appearance for fouling a Ogre of Norsogood to death.
Two MVP's in season 8 for his fouling, 16 fouls after 33 games.
Three fouls against Unholy Evil SI on a lineman BH on a Blitzer and a KO, all without getting sent off!
At the end of season 9 he is still ever present on 41 games and one of only three originals left. Now on 22 fouls 75 blocks and 60 rushing he scored 2 td's making him up to four totaling 27 spp's.
Foul Bh a skink of Dominus Astrum in game 1 of season 10. Niggled in his 45th game by Legends of Soul which will end his ever present record on the team. He did kill Michael Jackson in this game with a foul although the apoth saved him.
MVP in each of the teams last 2 games he has played 47 of the teams final total of 48 games and made 11 fouls in the season..
First SPP points after 53 blocks a casualty in his 18th game. Earned the Block skill in his 23rd game. Managed 1 TD and 1 cas in season 8. Has rushed 31 made 95 blocks and 2 fouls and 1 completed pass in 32 games. After his 38th game v. Bywater Spartans he was gifted with added strength no doubt due to the good workout he had against the Halflings. Two mvp in season 9 bringing him to 23spp has now rushed 40 and made 149 blocks but still only 2 cas and 1 td. He is one of only 3 original players having played 40 of 41 games. Killed a thrall of Albion Bloodthirsters but was then niggled in the game. Was one of only two original players left on the team by its last game played 45 of 48.
Rookie for season eight game two. Just a single comp in season 8. Rewarded with a claw for a cas, MVP, and 2 comps in a friendly against Dominus Astrum before the start of season 9. Just one cas in season 9 now on 3 comps 2 cas 1 mvp from 23 blocks.
Signed after game 3 season 9. 1 comp 1 td 2 cas for 8spp's in season 9 rushed 6 and made 10 blocks rewarded with guard. Niggled by Albion Bloodthirsters.
Joined after game 2 season 10.
New signing during the FA cup prior to season 8. Brother of the late Thane Baldric. Just one cas in season 8 from 42 blocks needs to improve if the team has any chance to move forward. Three cas in season 9 making 4 from 100 blocks also an mvp. Two cas and a TD in season 10.
Could this be the famous Edmond Blackadder former player making a comeback! Joined after the season 9 game v. Bywater Spartans, just 10 blocks in 2 games of season 9. Scored both TD's to win the teams final game.
Joined for game 6 season 10.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Long time friend of Blackadder joined with one game left in season nine, and made just 2 blocks. 26 blocks in season 10 to no effect.
Signed for game 3 season eight. Gifted with a Big Hand after just 3 games. 1 comp 2 td 1 cas in season 9. Thats 2 comp 2 td 1cas 1 mvp to date. 5 pasing 83 rushing 26 blocks.
Season 10