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Belt and Braces
Finlay is a man of leisure, that is the consumate gentleman. As a man of lesiure he has large amounts of spare time and large amounts of cash in which to fund his hobbies, the current fad sweeping through his mind is that it would be jolly good fun to play a sport. Now as tobbogganing was out of the questiong due to the lack of hills (a blessing for the requirement of clinically flat Bloodbowl pitches!) he settled upon Bloodbowl.
So Finlay drafted in the house staff and some local riff raff (his own words) with the promise of large win bonuses and a good death in service benifits package. Eschewing the normal training camp preperation they launched straight into competitive games at Finlays newly constructed home stadium, yes the gardener still has some duties to do.
Finlay, being a gentleman, realises there are certain things expected of him by the team. Therefore his tendancy is to get stuck in to show the help how it should be done and he can often be found pummeling away on the line of scrimage. Though as yet has been careful not to achieve too much and bring himself to the attention of some of the nastier elements of the game who are more than happy to partake in isome of the distateful practice of kicking a gentleman when he's down.
Be it conincidence the only game won by 'The Braces' was when Finlay was assaulted by a skaven ratogre in the previous game and was unable to take the field. This may be an indication that his motivational speaches will take him to coaching greathood in later life should he continue with the hobby.
Clearly styling himself upon a chaos warrior having received a crippling leg wound has got down the gym and worked on bulking up the guns.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
An impressive debut game against dwarfs sees him get KO'd in opponents turn 1 of the first half before having done a thing and then not recover for the rest of the game. Star player potential give him the MVP...