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Hobgoblin Superstars
The apothecary rushes to the scene in his rookie match against some Ogres to save his agility...but the coach says no.
So the apothecary leaves the game in disgust at the half and never comes back when I use him later on a MNG :p
His name was prophetic!
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Side Step
Looks like both of the original Bulls were destined for +agility. The coach is hoping this one doesn't meet the same fate as the first.
28/28 games and not 1 MVP!
A Superstar in the making! After being released from prison, this guy's ball-handling skills have been phenomenal! Look at him run!
The boobie on his toe gives him a pretty decent kicking skill.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Side Step
After 3 casualties in his first game this troll has inevitably slowed down, scoring only 1 in the next 6 games combined.
This troll is truely a superstar after his career took a unique twist. Looks like he's been watching too many elves and goblins and forgot that he was just a troll.
Those who questioned his natural talents were silenced in his first performance against Khemri - he blitzed down the field and ran with the ball single handedly fending off skeletons, causing a casualty and a touchdown. In the next half he blitzed a path for a 2 turn td bringing putting the Hobgoblins up 3 touchdowns and securing victory with barely half the team on the pitch!
In a match against another Khemri team he barely stays alive, but makes a pass, and finds a new talent for agility that he never knew he had. Something about Khemri inspire this hobgoblin to his finest, though my feelings are that he will meet his ultimate end after a 3d block from a mummy.
In his first ever pass with AG4 he threw it to a bull for a turn 15 game tying touchdown - pretty exciting stuff for a 40k hobgoblin
In Game 16 He Badly Hurt a Mighty Blow Rotter who failed to notice his ST4 and threw a -2d block - mwa hah hah
Game 20 - a brilliant ball handler, dodger, and occasional blitzer all game, wasting only 1 rr, stealing the ball on T1 of the 2nd half after a bad pass and passing it to the troll! Takes the 2nd TD of the game because of tough Khemri defence and receives a well earned MVP, and he becomes an even better blitzer.
After watching his friend die on the first blitz of the game, this Hogoblin superstar went on to score a touchdown for revenge, and has promised to follow the path of his former friend.
A dirty path.
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Break Tackle
Just your average superstar Bull Centaur. #1 underrated player on the team.
Another Tackling Hobgoblin - Tackle seems to curse these little guys, so we'll see how long this Superstar lasts before he's injured or ages. My guess: not very long at all.
Should have taken Guard. This hobgoblin is a wee bit more suicidal than average
A hobgoblin who had such an amazing match against Skaven that he's learned how to take them down