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Ogre Blingdoms
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
After the tragic death of early fans favourite Pimpdaddy, David Hassel-Bling joined the Ogre Blingdoms after their second game, and is expecting to lead by example. We're all looking up to him, and his haircut!!!
<i>Special Move:</i> Evil Hoff-Butt!
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Piling On
Right Hand man to David Hassel-Bling, this ogre is more of a lover than a fighter. Suave, sophisticated, and with a 'tasche that could make any lady ogre fall at his feet, Eduardo is hot stuff! Facial hair AND a chest wig, yes please!!
<i>Special Move:</i> The Truffle Shuffle!
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Failed rapper (Ogres never being renowned for the lyrical prowess, was doomed from the start...) Razzle Dazzle has made a habit of wearing a nappy on his head ever since his teenage years. Possible a tribute to TheHardArtist's 'Nappy of Khorne', possible just a fashion disaster? We don't know either way...
<i>Special Move:</i> Chew-a-Fool!
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
Always slightly confused, Captain Bling wanders from arena to arena, randomly shouting 'BLING BLING' at passers by, and pulling contorted faces. We're not sure if he's happy, but are fairly sure he has a mild form of Tourettes!
<i>Special Move:</i> Bling-fling Chav-toss!
Game 1: Guard
Game one against the vampire team 'Colorado Kittens', Captain Bling surprised the supporters with his awesome debut performance. Midway through the second half, Bling found himself next to the vampire 'Whiskers' (Very probably by accident), launched a ham sized fist at his head, and killed the poor blood sucker outright! Voted MVP quite rightly, he spent the extra cash earned on guarding lessons.
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Piling On
No. Not an actual Doctor. He couldn't pass the entry exams, and broke the receptionist neck after finding out, so was banned from Ogre Medical School. Instead, he chose to devote his life to ladies, Larson's and lurve! Unfortunately, he's not very good at any of them either, but we live in hope...
<i>Special Move:</i> The Lurve Thrust! (Oo-er?!?)
Right Stuff
Sure Feet
Convinced he should be in some major movie deal, the Lord of the Blings is regularly seen in car parks, drive throughs and service stations trying to audition to whoever will entertain him. Constantly muttering about 'his precious', we can only assume he means that rather fetching cap?
<i>Special Move:</i> The One Sovereign Ring! (To the face!)
Right Stuff
Side Step
Proud mother of 14 gobbettes, her and her husband Drunken Chav are always trying for the extra two to make a full BloodBowl Squad. Bringing her relationship onto the pitch seems to be a double edged sword, sometimes its hard to get the two prised apart, but more often than not she's taking out her frustration on the opponents!
<i>Special Move:</i> The Big Mumma Splash!
Game 2: Side Step
Teams first completion in game one, to who you ask? Why of course, her drunken chav of a husband! Managed to sit on a thrall and seriously injure him as well!
A surefire star in the major leagues, until at the age of thirteen he was caught by police wearing a hoodie outside Morrisons and swearing at old women. Now the proud owner of several ASBO orders, no team worth their salt will touch our young Chav... that was until the Blingdoms stepped in! No prejudice here, they hate all Goblins!
Special Move: The Annoying Rave Music Mobile Phone! (Played excessively on public transport)
Proud survivor of several world tours, this hooligan lived for punch ups, lager, and more punch ups. That was until he was offered the ultimate career change, signing for the Ogre Blingdoms! He did, and has never looked back. Well, only when the police are chasing him down a back alley after he's beaten someone up for wearing the wrong shirt!
<i>Special Move:</i> The Unintelligable Chant!
Right Stuff
Dirty Player
Side Step
Long suffering husband to Pollard Chav, this guy has performed miracles. 14 babies and a complete lack of sobriety for the last decade mean this guy borders on legend status before he even hits the field! Not expecting much from him, but can't be that soft if he's put up with her for so long?
<i>Special Move:</i> The Stella Suckerpunch!
Game 2: Side Step
Scored the Bling's first ever TD, drunkenly catching the ball thrown by his wife, and stumbling forward. Luckilly the beer tent was behind the opposition goal line. Wasn't seen for a good half hour after scoring and taking the ball with him...
Second game, second TD. This lack of sobriety seems to be a good thing!
Right Stuff
How do a group of five horrible chavs travel to games and back every week? Easy! THE CHAVMOBILE!!!! Behold the wonder of the awesome Chavmobile, pimped out with custom paint job, tinted (muddy) windows, and incredible sound system (Alba tape deck nicked from Argos in '83). She's a beauty!