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Running Eyeliner
Kieth is the silent loner type out of th efield, keeping mostly to himself and ponders the existanc eof himself, his reason to live and why the orc who sell womens clothing winks knowingly at him. REegardless of that he does his best to act with the team. Normally taking the scrimamge position only to dodge away to the sidelines and help the girls. He is known mostly from the time he threw a highelf catcher starpalyer over the edge so he landed on a small goblin pogo-stick stall and got impaled on a few of thme and died.
To Madelein, fair play is a thing only moral preaching boneheads stick to, to her the sneaky cheap strikes works wonders. Ther eis no wonder this woman dashes forward in fast phace towards a downed oponents to stomp her boot in the face of the knocked over foe. Especially when the ref is looking the other way or got his view blocked by a hulking oponent. Getting a most valuable palyer award she decide dit wa sfor her quick run-by stomp and this started traning her speed.
Pierce is not her real name and not even the coach knows her real name, it was a condition for he rto join the team, and seeing how she kicked the shins on a highelf so he took a dive she was assigned to the position of Kicker. However only a game later she got a cut from a spiky gauntlet from a brutal orc that put a sca ron her cheek. So now she refuses to play if the make out has run out so she can't cover the tiny, but to her gigantic scar up.
Nerves of Steel
Pass Block
Jane is cutting he rown path through the league and always keep a cool head in the most dire of situations, knowing wher eto position herself for a good recieval or interceptions and shutting out he roponent spresence, however, off th efield she tends to shut out her friends as well, living in her own little bubble.
Sophie is rather shy off the field, and has always felt inferior to all the other women on the team. too shy to talk to interviewers and hides behind behind the more fan-loving players. Tha talone has made many fans think she's even more adorable and set her love letters. Now doing her best to live up to peoples hopes she does her best, and actually, she has been improving. It's amazing what the power of fans can do.
Jump Up
Side Step
Strip Ball
Having Bloody Pleasure as her hero, she decided to follow in her footsteps, taking notes on he rheroes training she follows it with an iron will and it obviously have payed off, finally she has reached the ballnabbing skill of her predecessor. She was actually present at her Heroinnes wedding, only to the day after join the ranks of the Running Eyeliners.
Safe Throw
Siphon is a former archer in the war campaigns and was renouned for her fearlessness in the heat of combat. But afte rmost of her troupe got killed by a rampaging ogre before her arrow slew the beast she decided it was high time to change her career, joining the Running Eyeliners as they held a game close to the tavern she was at, got a pay in advance to pay her huge beer-tab, she's not the first Thrower of the team.