Blockless Blitzing Berserkers
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Got a cas his first he probably won't skill until his 30th game when he gets an mvp
One of the most hated and feared players in the No Block League - until someone shows me a player more hated and feared of course
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
11 SPP in his 1st game, the crowds continue to be Moonstruck as he proves himself to be an exemplary Chaos Warrior.
only player to play 24 game no injury
'Evolved' from a beastman when he was overexposed to nuclear waste that was sent from Earth through a time-space warp...
The radiation's effects continue every game!
I'm glad he didn't get 2 doubles in a row because as broken as Claw/RSC is...I would have still chosen it :D
A (boring) cornerstone of the team, he has been entirely inactive in gathering further SPP but has played a crucial role in many matches.
Finally started working on his skills in the off-season.
First member of the 'next generation' - finally brings the team up to 11 players yay
Pass Block
Sure Hands
The 'backup' +ag Beastman...god it's so amazing to have so much agility with Chaos, thanks nuffle for the many good times with this team (even when I'm whining)
Doubled his SPP in 1 game w00t!
Surpassed his not-so illustreous forebearer (who did nothing but steal an MVP and get Niggled) Whacko II has become the team's official elf-style star player! Wonder if he's going to be a bigger target than the claws?
After watching his RSC mate die a horrible death of Apo Fail, Fruity II decided to grow a regular Claw instead.