Humans Suck Without Blitzers
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
AKA the consumer of MVPs
He must be really hungry...
After waiting for 2 Months he met up with the Elves of Stainless Again and got his 6th Cas after a long dry spell - thanks RealMadns! :D
After watching 2 star catchers get slaughtered in 2 games (and a 3rd saved from RIP by Apo) he earns an MVP and gains speed to take their place.
One of these days he might develop into my primary thrower...but it's going to be slow going until I get some +ag to catch with.
Sure Hands
Talk about a strong arm! Yet another of the many NBL throwers to gain +ST. Weird
After having all 4 original catchers last the first 19 games with no missing games it was inevitable they'd start dying like flies - this man is the first replacement.
Diving Tackle
Side Step
In his first 9 games Diving tackle has only worked once, and even then my opponent succeeded on the reroll : (
He has finally succeeded in ending an opponent's turn in game 10! Took long enough...
Side Step
Secretly conceals a dagger to inflict casualties
Made to passes to the thrower in his rookie game, almost stopping B.L.O.C.K. Almost..
Designated Most Boring Lineman
Another tackling Lineman....*yawn*
Gains a little personalty after niggling a skeleton on the receiving end of a both-down. No longer quite so boring!
Wannabe Blitzer if I ever saw one! Niggled by some Corrupted Proelves after overexerting himself on a Blitz. Oh well. He's so enraged over the damper to his formerly excellent looking career that he's on a frenzied rampage!
Without blitzers and with block banned what the hell else do you take on a lineman but Tackle?!
Hey it's another blitzer parading as a lineman!
With #11 Fodderized these two are the twin lineman DPs, hired at the same time.
His twin dies, making him the team's 2nd and only living lineman DP. He receives MVP that game after a craptacular foul that got him thrown out (but he lived!)