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Dead Men Don't Block
<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thesh>Thesh</a> was one of the earliest Pharaohs of lower Egypt.
Little is known about him, other than that his skeletal remains play for this Khemeri team.
The Pharaoh <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khendjer>Khendjer</a> ruled Egypt for several years during the Thirteenth Dynasty. He began construction of, but never completed, a grand pyramid complex to be his tomb.
<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senusret_I>Senusret I</a> was one of the most powerful pharaohs of the greatest dynasty of the Middle Kingdom period of ancient Egypt. He expanded Egypt's borders through a series of military campaigns and built many temples and shrines throughout the Kingdom. His most famous works include a pair of red granite obelisks erected to celebrate his 30 year Jubilee (one of which remains as the oldest standing obelisk in Egypt), as well as the White Chapel, a temple which has recently been reconstructed at its original location in Karnak.
Mighty Blow
<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentuhotep_II>Mentuhotep II</a> (2046-1995 BCE) was a Pharaoh of the 11th dynasty, the son of Intef III of Egypt and a minor queen called Iah. A military leader, he reunited Egypt for the first time since the 6th dynasty, becoming the first ruler of the Middle Kingdom period of Egypt's history. He also invaded Nubia and Palestine.
He reigned for 51 years and was buried in a tomb he had erected at Deir el-Bahri. Mentuhotep II built temples and chapels at several places in Upper Egypt.
Of course, now his re-animated corpse staggers around the Blood Bowl field, an ignominious end for such a great ruler.
Mighty Blow
A predynastic pharaoh of ancient Lower Egypt, <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wazner>Wazner</a> ruled the delta area of the Nile around 3050 BCE.
Now his reanimated corpse - complete with immaculate wrappings - plays Blood Bowl for Dad Men Don't Block.
Mighty Blow
Multiple Block
<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahure>Sahure</a> was the second king of Egypt's Fifth Dynasty. He reigned for 13 years and constructed a pyramid complex for his tomb, the first such pyramid at Abusir. However, as with most Fifth Dynasty pyramids, it is far smaller and less well-constructed than the far more famous Fourth Dynasty pyramids at Giza.
Mighty Blow
Yes, <i>the</i> Ramesses The Great.
Sure Hands
Strip Ball
<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Userkaf>Userkaf</a> was the founding member of the Fifth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. He is best known for the pyramid he built at Saqqara, which now resembles nothing so much as a gigantic pile of rubble.
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1610511>Game 9</a>: finishes the game and rolls +AG, turning him into the golden Khemri ball-handler of 6-3-3-7 with Sure Hands. Unfortunately, he niggled on aging at the same time. As kennethcole said, "nuffle giveth and nuffle taketh away in the same roll".
Sure Hands