11 coaches online • Server time: 03:58
Union of Flesh and Steel
Block (30k)
Guard (20k)
Side Step (30k)
Tackle (30k)
Block (30k)
Sanakht Mk 2 - After the overhaul and rebuild Sanakht rapidly developed a recurring drivetrain fault, that has necessitated an even more fundamental strip down and rebuild. Now returned finally to full working order, Sanakht takes toth efield again
Sanakht Mk 1 - after many matches fighting for the cause of the union of flesh and steel, Sanakht Mk 1 suffered unrepairable material fatigue, leading to fluctuation power output from the thaumaturgical drivetrain. Whilst operational the unit performed exceptionally, however increasing periods of downtime have led to the necessity for a complete overhaul and rebuild.
Block (30k)
Guard (20k)
Tackle (30k)
Thick Skull
Guard (30k)
Nynetjer Mk IIII
after several gruelling games against relentlessly violent opponents, Nynetjer had suffered severe damage to his thaumaturgical drivetrain, and to his underlying structural integrity. Another refit and the Unit is ready for the pitch once more
Nynetjer Mk II
following a substantial rebuild Nynetjer served the team well, accruing on field experience over the course of 10 matches, however a fundamental flaw in his thaumaturgical drivetrain caused it to react critically following a severe block by an enemy team. The soul-casket however was removed prior to the units detonation, and Nynetjer serves the team once more.
Nynetjer Mk I
The Original Nynetjer unit was an accomplished and capable thrower for the Union of Flesh and Steel, however several design faults led to the units destruction against n00bfoul=n. Due to materials constraints Nynetjer's control matrix has been consigned to a standard motivations shell, and re-enters the team as a lowly "skeleton"
Nefertum Mk I - suffered significant damagre to thaumaturgical drive-train during a match with "Dante's Heroes". A complete drive-train rebuild was essential to return the Khemrian lord to the roster
Nefertum Mk II - after suffering significant carapace damage, lack of resources and the need to replace more badly damaged unit left Nefertum operating at minimal armour capacity. Following resource replenishment, Nefertum has had a full overhaul, with new carapace additions, returning the unit to full potential
Thick Skull
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Anedjib Mk I - served the union of flesh and steel well, placing himself under considerable threat of harm to advance the masters ends. Ultimately general material fatigue has led to a need for a considerable refit. Anedjib has been overhauled and is now ready to enter the fray once more.
Thick Skull
+MA (30k)
Guard (30k)
Kick (20k)
Sure Hands
+AG (40k)
Accurate (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Agatho Mk1 - skeleton, suffered substantial and irrepairable armour damage against "Dante's Heroes". Soul-Casket transferred to a more mobile, more armoured body in an effort to prevent repurcussion
Agatho Mk2 - Blitz-Ra, following the upgrade to Mk2, the Union of steel faced "Donde esta la Nevera", a Necromantic team. Wherein, following a particularly nasty challenge by a werewolf, it was realised that fundamental flaw in the Lord's internal skeletal structure had crept in during the construction process. This flaw would most likely have been a continuing hindrance to Agatho, leading to many missed games for repair, thus the decision was made to strip and rebuild the unit with a new underlying skeleton.
Agatho MK3 - Blitz-Ra. Suffered a catastrophic thaumic power cell failure during a recent match, necessitating the emergency removal of the soul-casket for safety reasons. Following a full overhaul the Soul-casket has been reinstalled within a body, and is ready to play again
Block (30k)
Guard (20k)
Side Step (30k)
Tackle (30k)
Thick Skull
Guard (30k)
Heru-Ur Mk ! - this unit was created from materials gathered by the Union of flesh and steel during the course of their campaing in old world blood bowl. Unfortunately, due to some imperfections in the sourced materials, Heru-Ur was heavily damaged, suffering critical Thaumic powertrain damage. The unit has been dismantled and recommissioned, however due to further materials constraints has been consigned to a standard unit.
Manetho Mk I
one of the most experienced none-"mummy" units in the team, Manetho served the team well over the course of 23 games, learning and adapting to utilise its bulk more aptly in blocking situations. However, during a protracted engagment, the unit suffered irreperable damage to its superstructure. The Soul-casket and Thaumaturgical drivetrain were salvaged, and installed in a new unit