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Uruk of the SkullPow
Captain of the orcs at the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
Captain of a company of Orcs in Minas Morgul, found Frodo's body in Shelob's lair and brought him to the Tower of Cirith Ungol.
An orc under the command of Shagrat, captain of Cirith Ungol.
A diminutive orc, wanted to eat Merry and Pippin at the camp near Fangorn forest. Ugluk killed him and proclaimed, "Meat's back on the menu, boys!"
Right Stuff
A minor orc in Ugluk's band that captured Merry and Pippin. Ordered to guard the hobbits during the Rohirrim attack, he instead left to fight, allowing the hobbits to escape.
In Tolkien's books, Sharku is orcish for "old man", and is a term used to refer to Saruman. In the movie adaptation, he is the leader of Saruman's warg-riders, whom he sends to attack the Rohirrim on their retreat to Helm's Deep. It is Sharku's warg which drars Aragorn over the cliff.
Leader of a group of Mordor orcs, sent into Rohan to reinforce Ugluk's group on their return to Isengard (with the hobbits Merry and Pippin).
In Tolkien's books, the commander of a group of orcs who came to assist Ugluk's band against the Rohirrim. In the movies, Ugluk's lieutenant commanding that group.
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=1613912>6th game:</a>
Mauhur scores 3 casualties, including a pair of kills in the 2nd half before Turn 2. He blitzed and killed goblin <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4056976>Long Job</a> on the opening turn, then killed goblin <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4056978>Token</a> on the opponent's T1 by taking a both-down.
In the books by Tolkien, the leader of the band of Uruk-hai sent to retrieve the hobbits. After killing Boromir and kidnapping Merry and Pippin, he led the group across Rohan to the edge of Fangorn forest.
In the movie version, Lurtz leads the Uruk attack on the Fellowship, but is killed by Aragorn, and Ugluk takes over command from there.
Lurtz is an orc who appears in the movie version of <i>Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring</i>. He is the leader of the Uruk-hai, who kills Boromir and is, in turn, slain by Aragorn. In the book, Ugluk leads the Uruk-hai, and survives the encounter.
In the works of Tolkien, Gothmog is a captain of Angband, millenia before the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is believed to have been a balrog, and appears as such in other places, such as the game Angband. However in the movie adaptation, the character of Gothmog is the general in command of the army that Sauron sends to sack Minas Tirith in Gondor.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
The Cave Troll is brought by the Orcs of Moria to help attack the Fellowship at Balin's Tomb.