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Bad News Boars
Name: Felix Flick
Position: Quarterback
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eye Color: Grey
Age: 39
Felix Flick is the chain-smoking, jaded Captain of the team.
He's available for other work. Please.
Career Highlights:
Suffered a concussion in a match against the Loth Lorien
Leopards. Serves him right for throwing so poorly!
Felix switched to a new "special" brand of cigars after
a match against the Ebon Assassins and seems a tad more
agile as a result. Drug test pending...
Name: Albrecht
Position: Lineman/Clergy
Height: 6'2
Weight: 215 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Age: 27
Albrecht is a devout, honest, and gods-fearing Lineman
for the team. He even prays for the well-being of the
opposition before each match.
Career Highlights:
Sent a condolence card to the Skaven he injured in the
Boar's first match.
Brought back from the DEAD in a match against the Loth
Lorien Leopards! Looks like all that praying paid off.
Albrecht's faith in the Gods increased dramatically in
a match against the Etards. His unyielding faith now
helps him Block enemy blows.
Name: Otto
Position: Catcher
Height: 5'11
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eye Color: Yellowish
Age: Unknown
A Flagellant by trade, Otto plays as a Catcher for
the team. He sees Bloodbowl as a wonderful opportunity
to inflict even more pain upon himself for the cause
of Penance.
Career Highlights:
True to his namesake, Otto had his ribs broken in
the very first match against the Plague Heralds!
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
Name: Granny,Grans,Granma'
Position: Basher/Chef
Height: 5'
Weight: YOU ask!
Eye Color: Gingerbread
Age: Granny Age
Granny Gore is the lovable engine of destruction
for the team. Also makes delicious cookies for
the lads!
Career Highlights:
Granny learned how to guard her "boys" well during
the fourth match against Sedecim-Ra.
The lads discovered they could lure Granny towards
them by leaving a trail of cookie crumbs during
their 10th match against the Swamp Goblins. They
call it "break tackle", we call it Sugary Hunger!
Name: Gustav
Position: Lineman/Cynic
Height: Tall enough to bump his head
Weight: Scrawny enough to feel lots of pain
Eye Color: Apathetic
Age: Nearing an untimely death
Gustav is the voice of despair and doom for the Boars.
He is resigned to a horribly messy end as a Lineman
for the team.
Career Highlights:
Gustav spared a Dark Elf a long and horrible life by
killing him in a match against the Ebon Assassins.
Gustav aquired the Block skill after a match against
the Etards. He beleives this only delays the inevitable.
Name: Johann
Position: Blitzer/Accountant
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 224.3 lbs.
Eye Color: Crystal Blue
Age: 32 years, 8 months, 14 days, 12 hours, 54 minutes, 15 sec... 16.. 17!
Johann is quite possibly the most honest, rules-abiding
player to ever hit the pitch. He's a Blitzer for the team,
and takes care of all finances.
Career Highlights:
Johann was hurt very badly during a match against the Swamp Goblins. Thankfully
it was only his hip and not his abacus finger!
Name: Ferret a.k.a. You Thieving Bastard!
Position: Lineman/Thieving Weasel
Height: 5'
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Shifty
Age: How much is it worth to ya?
When he's not stealing from donation boxes and cheating the
elderly out of their pensions, the Ferret plays as a Lineman
for the team.
Career Highlights:
Gave a Wood Elf a nasty concussion due to a well-timed frying
pan during the Boar's 5th match.
The Ferret finally learned how to Block after 10 games. About
time you slacker!
Name: Berthold
Position: Lineman/Village Idiot
Height: 5'9
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eye Color: Vacant
Age: Can he even count?
Berthold believes he is a pretty pink Unicorn in a travelling
petting zoo, but he is in fact a Lineman for the team.
Career Highlights:
It was discovered after the Boars third game that Berthold has
an unexpected natural gift for kicking the ball! Must be the
Unicorn blood.
Name: Leopold Heinz
Position: Lineman/Hypochondriac
Height: 5'11
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eye Color: Sickly
Age: Too young to die
Leopold has no fear of Bloodbowl at all, as he is
convinced that some horrid disease will find him
first. This makes him a perfect Lineman for the team.
Career Highlights:
Managing to avoid a horrible disease after
10 matches.
Name: Wolfgang
Position: Blitzer/Psycho
Height: Taller than a corpse
Weight: Heavy enough to hurt
Eye Color: Rabid
Age: Like rings in a tree-stump
Wolfgang is a wonderfully fine gentleman whom
I would never offend with a derogatory bio for
fear of losing random digits. He's a Blitzer
on the team.
Career Highlights:
Wolfgang learned how to guard his teammates
during a match against the Chin Chillas! Is
the old man softening up?
Brutalized a poor skinks "groinage region" in
a match against the Swamp Goblins.
Side Step
Name: Sly Fox
Position: Catcher/Gigolo
Height: 6'
Weight: 165lbs of Sexy
Eye Color: Hypnotic
Age: Old enough to know the right spots
Sly Fox plays as a Catcher for the team when he's
not out seducing/swindling Nobility of the female
persuasion. Looks great in a pair of tights, too.
Career Highlights (no, not THOSE kind):
Scored the very first touchdown for the Boars against
the Plague Heralds.
The Fox scored three TD's during a match against
Sedecim-Ra! He's very quick on his feet now no
doubt due to the throngs of female fans cheering
him on.
Sly mastered the technique of the Sidestep during
the Boars 8th match. His drycleaning bill has gone
down considerably as a result!
Name: Angry Drunkard so far as we know.
Position: Blitzer/Belligerent Drunk
Height: 6'0
Weight: Around three kegs
Eye Color: Bloodshot
Age: Pickled
The Blitzer known only as the "Angry Drunkard"
never tried out for the team, he simply
showed up at the clubhouse one night screaming
obscenities. As of yet, no one has had the
courage to ask him to leave.
Career Highlights:
After five matches his liver is still functioning!
After offers of free booze following a match
against Death n' Taxes, Angry Drunkard has agreed
to pay more attention to Guarding his teammates.
Name: Duck on Head
Position: Blitzer/Herald of End Times
Height: 5'7/6'4
Weight: 160/170 lbs.
Eye Color: Closed/Icy Blue
Age: 37/2
Duck on Head frightens us.
Career Highlights:
Duck learned the art of
Guard-Fu after a match
with the Chin Chillas.
Duck, of the Head, had
it's eye gouged in a
match against the Etards.
Now looking to aquire a
glass Duck eye.
Name: Gumbleforp
Position: Lineman/Parolee/Wizard
Height: 5'0
Weight: 100lbs.
Eye Color: Terrified
Age: 73
Due to a Magic experiment involving fireworks and an
orphanage gone terribly awry, Gumbleforp has been
sentenced to serve time playing for the Boars. It
was either that or the Death Penalty. Gumbleforp is
still not sure he made the right choice.
Career Highlights: