43 coaches online • Server time: 12:04
Marley is so named for the disgusting Marlboro Cigarette. He's developed very slowly as is usually the case with my players. This is due to my poor coaching ability.
Philly Blunt has two names unlike any other player in the team. He's named after the rappers choice of cigars for when you want a really good weed packed smoke. I have always had a stash of these for the last 10 years and can honestly say they work a treat. I signed him just while i had a couple of miss next game players but don't really have much use for him. Still, once i've killed off some more players, i'll need him so he can sit and wait for that dreaded day.
Smokey is the reincarnated spirit of Smoley, he of the mistyped name. The last guy didn't last long and this one double one'd on his first age roll. A better coach than i would just dump him i'm sure, but as he got a +ST skill first up so i'm gonna stick with him and see if he can't avoid death and more aging as he develops.
Domingo is so named for some nasty 20p/pouch spanish baccy i once had on my holibobs. He's got his Block and a Claw too so i hope he might become a mean and nasty S.O.B. but this seems unlikely while under my charge.
Lucky has a twin brother called Strike. Both have survived quite a while since i founded the Biodynamix team.
Strike has a twin brother called Lucky. Both have survived quite a while since i founded the Biodynamix team. Strikes got himself his Block and a +ST skill up so he's no chump and is in fact a key player for me as he can get me out of some mis-coached spots i find myself in.
Sure Hands
Ducados. The teams supremo and is not getting retired despite aging on his third skill. He's got a +ST and +AG boost on his skills to go with block and his initial thrower skills. He's the teams best player and has got to help if i need a pick up, move, hand off, move, pass, move and score manouver. Now with the +AG he might even be able to do some miraculous stuff in some small spaces. Here's hoping baby.
Sure Hands
Strong Arm
Chesterfield has generally been an offensive thrower for me unless i need him on defense. He's made some passes and has set up many scoring moves. While not being that good he's helped me out in some must score situations.
Fortuna is the basic Gutter Runner so far and i hope as he get's more skills he might become quite good. But as it is he's still one of the teams best players because of his naturally slippery, dodgey, lucky gutter-runnerness.
Side Step
He's my boy. He's been a nightmare for some good teams and has saved my ass many a time. Gets all my TD's because i'm not good enough or brave enough to goto someone else. Kind of like my 'Jerry Rice' really. When you need someone to goto...... goto Newport.
West is my Storm Vermin number one. He's just done more than his cousin Winston. Not by design, it's just worked out that way.
Winston would like to be like his cousin West but has failed to live upto the task. All the time he survives though there's still a chance. He may just be a late bloomer.
Gotta love a big fat Stogie. I often find myself with one after a meal in a fine, expensive restaurant and while I'm on the golf course with my millionaire buddies. Yeah right. But all the same, a nice Stogie is something that should be enjoyed by all.
Mmmmm........ Stogie :P