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Isn't much one for reliability usually, however when Rathaus went into the second half against Ci Proveremo 1-1 and playing with only 5 rats left against 10 chaos opponents he saved his team the tie by throwing the ball across half the field, far away from any Beastmen or Warrior, twice over. It seems throwing to empty spaces is Slipperys real calling in life.
Arguably had his most outstanding performance in a game where he didn't throw a single pass. Against Le Orcs he first grew tired of his fellow rats when no receiver opened up so he simply rushed through the orc lines himself and was only temporarily stopped but even so this allowed Crossroads to complete what Slippery had started and score the Touchdown. Later he blew a fuse out of anger at the teams new Rat Ogres uselessness. Just after Dead End had twice tried to attack a Orc Blitzer and failed to even leave a scratch, Slippery put all his frustration into his fist and punched the Orc to DEATH.
It's true what they say: The smalles rats have got the biggest bite.
There's only one way to go for opponents who try to mess with One Way: the hospital. In his first game he niggled a Kaputtmacher mummy, who crashed and burned on an attempt to blitz the unseeming rat and found him much tougher than he looked and on his very next move blitzed and badly hurt the Khemri's Blitz-Ra to pick up two causalities in one turn. He scored the late-game touchdown to secure the comfortable 2-0 victory for the rats.
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Big and bad and horribl...ly useless. Against Khemri team Watchmen he spent a majority of his time standing around doing nothing or in the dug-out. Every time he tried to block someone, without fail, he knocked himself out. At least one time he took Watchmen Mummy Rhia down with him and permanently smashed its ankle. No regening lims with this beast around!
Got knocked out early on in his debut game against the Khremri team Kaputtmacher but came back to score the rats first ever touchdown by catching Slippery's handoff and dodging free of his marker to lay the groundwork for a 2-0 win for the rats. Later in the game, the Khemris made him celebrate among the crowd by pushing him into the stands.
Something about facing Khemri makes him perform at his best. His second touchdown came against a Khemri team, too, and opened a scoring festival, with Rathauses Gutter Runner duo adding two more touchdowns each.
Scored a touchdown against the Tanat Tigers and seriously injured the elf who tried to stop him.
In the second half of the game against Ci Proveremo he was one of just five rats left to defend a 1-1 tie against an overwhelming force of ten Chaos players. Along with Crossroads he was the only muscle left on his team and he threw in his weight for the maximum effect, taking on up to two or three enemy players at a time, knocking over Beastmen, and tying up any Chaos Warrior left standing. He was rightfully rewarded with the MVP award for his performance after the game.
Early highlight of his career: Catching a bouncing ball and holding on to it for not even one turn before getting KO'd by an angry mummy. Later highlight: breaking free of the pack and rushing 14 yards to score a touchdown against the Tanat Tigers.
Was part of five rats who held off ten Chaos players to save a 1-1 tie. His Foul Appearance and his Iron Man will to shrug off any injuries played a key part in delaying the Ci Proveremo offense long enough.
Though, in a later game, he had to miss out due a bunch of orcs breaking his ribs.
Knocked out a Woodelf Blitzer who was just a few feet away from the Rathaus endzone and stole the ball from him but unfortuntately wasn't rewarded for a job well done because he lost the ball not much later to a Tanat Tiger block, although not before getting it into a much more secure area of the pitch where the rats had control of the game.
Against Le Orcs it was him versus a Black Orc. The Orc had knocked down and stunned Crossroads assist so it was up to him alone to push the big, hulking green brute out of the way. And so he did, carrying the ball into the endzone just seconds before the final whistle blew.
Healed out a leg fracture caused by a one of only two remaining mummies of a Khemri team, when Rathaus had already blocked two mummies out of the game.
Stop is unstoppable. After being shoved into the opponents fanblock he fought his way out of the frenzied crowd and got back into the game to badly hurt a Khemri skeleton who probably was not the skeleton responsible for the crowdpush but looked just like him and that was good enough for Stop to call it payback.
Badly hurt a Tanat Tiger. KO'd a mummy to tear a gap into a Khemri line and earned a MVP award for it.
Safety First is such a giving and unselfish rat he might as well be called Others First: he had the opportunity to score a touchdown in his very first game but instead decided to hand-off to Linerat One Way who knew only one way ... into the endzone.
Has almost as many pass completions as Slippery Whenwet. Whether this speaks for Safety First or against the thrower is unclear.
Threw caution to the wind against Ci Proveremo. He played a major role in stopping the ten chaos players offense with just him and four other Rathaus rats remaining on the pitch by blitzing a Chaos Warrior and making him drop the ball.
Got a taste for taking on big guys, when he seriously injured a mummy on a gang-foul. Now he wants to see if he can dish out concussions even if people aren't prone on the ground. Safety First has become quite DAUNTLESS.
Khemris aren't what a young Gutter Runners dreams of the opponent of his choice for his first game, but U Turn proved his worth with two touchdowns and walked out of his debut proud and, more importantly, alive and in one piece.
Dodged death thanks to a able aphothecary in the game against the Tana Tigers.
Made a khemri skeleton dodge a serious injury by regening a smashed knee.
Speed limits do not apply to Speed Limit. He rushed across half the field, covering 16 yards, on his own for the 3-0 touchdown against the Tanat Dragons after playing speed bump for the elves treemen previously in the game.