16 coaches online • Server time: 06:00
Distant Blood
Side Step
An annoying guy by birth and education, Ilian has developed an opponent harassment tactic that involves the use of a finger against the opponent's ear.
Calls himself El Capitano of the team but others have not yet started to call him with his new self appointed nick name.
Side Step
Strip Ball
Nimbled with the help of creative shock therapy, Alean had to start taking steroids to help with the constant shaking.
Luckily the team has its own supplier. Not that his persuasion had anything to do with the choice of medicine, or anything.
Started to import steroids on the side to gain decent income.
Dunet has gathered a hefty sum of wealth with his business already and now plays only as his hobby. Not that he was ever that much serious a player in the first place.
Lied his age applying for the team.
Feeling the effects of arthritis and general old age, Funet had to start using steroids to secure his place in the team lineup.
Is starting to get heavily debted to <url=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=4142836>Dunet</url> who provides the badly needed "medicine".