12 coaches online • Server time: 04:37
Beligerent Outburst
1st game a bh on a necro wight
5th game 2 bh on zombies
10th game the mvp
12th game the mvp
14th game a si n on a zombie
16th game a si n on a norse blitzer
18th game a bh on a skilled rotter
9th game his 3rd a bh on a thrall
18th game the mvp
13th game his 4th a td
15th game a td
17th game fouled bh on a beastman
18th game a kill on a sjilled rotter regen and banned
6th game fouls and kills a skilled werewolf
9th game a bh on a skilled vampire
14th game the td
5th game his 1st 2 td
6th game the mvp
13th game the mvp
14th game the mvp
16th game a bh on a norse lino
Razor Sharp Claws
2nd game a cp
4th game a td
6th game a td
7th game a td
9th game a td
11th game the mvp
18th game a cp, a td, and a bh on a rotter
15th game his 4th a si n on a zombie on a screwed up block
18th game his 5th a si on a beastman
16th game his 5th the mvp
17th game a cp
2nd game a kill on a minotuar and the mvp
7th game the mvp
9th game the mvp
3rd game a kill on a zombie
4th game a bh on a human lino and the mvp
5th game a bh on a ghoul
11th game a td
15th game a bh on a zombie
17th game the mvp