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Founder of the team along with his good friend Sam Salik.
Sam was the first one to die in the history of the team. May he rest in pieces as he was ripped apart by some violent orcs.
Danny was impressed by Angry Anja and he decided to make her the captain of the team which was also in favour of the fans. His future as a player of the team is unsure and he commented that he would retire and only be available for the team as an assistant coach as soon as the necessary gold is in the teams treasury.
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Anja was the first hire after the creation of the team.
She directly caused two injuries in her first game, one dead and one seriously injured.
Yeah she is angry. And she proved her name to mean something.
After her second game she received the captain badge from Danny Dynamite who was the founder of the team along with the late Sam Salik.
His real name isn't Sam but he took the name in rememberance of the one passed away founders of the team Sam Salik.
After joining the team and getting better he cracked his head during a training session focused on block (-av).
Medusa is an old friend of Angry Anja and she was hired on Anja's recommendation.
Two games after Anja was hired the team had enough gold to make Medusa an offer.
But she didn't come up to the promises Anja made about her yet.
Bunk is a silent but charismatic guy.
He didn't do spectacular moves or anything else but the fans still liked him. That was proofen by getting 2 MVP awards.
He is a teammember since day one.
Largo was seen spitting a long distance at a bar so he was hired as a thrower.
The question is if the head coach made the right assumption with that.
The dirty player of the team. He is the one to kick his boot in the face of the opponent when the ref is distracted.
But he is not very good at it and has to practice a lil more.
Newest addidtion to the team.
He is a little rude but that's why he was hired.
Mike is a notorious eater.
He puts everything in his mouth he can get and chew on.
Also he drinks way too much.
Nothing is safe of him not even the ball.
He was removed from some games while playing for another team for eating the ball or parts of his opponents.
Nono was saved 3 times already from dead.
His first deadly injury turned out to cost Sam Salik his life since the apothecary of the team was busy saving Nono's life not having enough time and attention to take care of Sam.
He still has to proof worth for the team but it seems that the head coach believes that he will show that he was worth it.
The "star" lineman of the team.
He was choosen by the fans 4 times as MVP of a game so far.
Even though he didn't accomplish very much