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Perkele is a god in the Finnish mythology, whose identity was that of a God of Thunder. Perkele was referred to with a variety of names, including "Ukko", meaning "an old man," and "Ylijumala", meaning "the supreme god." The name is of Indo-European origin; related gods are known in Latvia (Pērkons), Lithuania (Perkunas), Prussia (Percunis), Poland (Perkun, Perun, or Perkwunos) and Slovenia (Parkelj).
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The deity overseeing Blood Bowl.
God of war, vengeance, anger
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Trickster and god of mischief and fire.
Goddess of The Moon, hunting and archery. Twin sister of Apollo.
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Hecate, Hekate (Hekátê, Hekát?), or Hekat was originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth, naturalized early in Thrace, but originating among the Carians of Anatolia, the only region where theophoric names are attested and where Hekate remained a Great Goddess into historical times.
Today she is often seen as a goddess of witchcraft and Wicca.
God of the Dead and lord of the Underworld and of the riches found within the earth. Brother of Poseidon and Zeus.
Chronos, in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. He emerged from the primordial Chaos.
As Richard Dawkins puts it: "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak, a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
Lord of the Æsir. God of both wisdom and war.
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Allah is the standard Arabic word for "God". The term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God.
The titan chiefly honored for stealing fire from Zeus in the stalk of a fennel plant and giving it to mortals for their use.
Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity, and is also an important figure in several other religions. He is also called Jesus Christ, where "Christ" is a title derived from the Greek Χριστός (Christós), meaning the "Anointed One," which corresponds to the Hebrew-derived "Messiah". The name "Jesus" is an Anglicization of the Greek Ίησους (Iēsous), itself a Hellenization of the Hebrew יהושע (Yehoshua) or Hebrew-Aramaic ישוע (Yeshua), meaning "YHWH rescues".
+AG (40k)
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God of fire and the forge (god of fire and smiths)with very weak legs. Makes armor for the gods and other heroes like Achilles. Son of Hera.
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The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Septuagint Greek heosphoros, ("dawn-bearer") and the Hebrew Helel, ("Bright one") used by Jerome in the Vulgate, having mythologically the same meaning as Prometheus who brought fire to humanity.
In modern and late Medieval Christian thought, Lucifer is usually a fallen angel identified as Satan, the embodiment of evil and enemy of God.