Cavernis Tavernas Musicas SC
<a href=>About Diamanda</a>
She got SPP first time on her 15. match. We wish you a better development from now.
<a href=>About Brian Jones</a>
<a href=>About Modest Mussorgsky</a>
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
<a href=>About el-Horto</a>
A tale by el-Horto:
His Highness MádhawRao Scindia, Mahárája of Gwálior during his first journey to the Western World, on 22nd October 1883 went to the Metropolitan Opera House to see the first performance of Gounod's Faust. The mahárája was a well-known vocalist, connoisseur of music and patronizer in his homeland.
A lot of legends, among others Ustád Háfiz Ali Khán, used to live in his court, in Gwálior. In his box the potentate sat through the first act of Gounod's opera wooden-faced, then during the intermission the white friends, knowing the mahárája's extraordinary love for music, began to ask spiritedly the potentate about his first impressions about the western music. 'Well, well' answered the rája, the very beginning exerted irresistible influence on him, the many musicians, the many unfamiliar instruments, the tones and the volume, but later there was a man, who came in and began to flourish a stick, and from that very moment - though he was very sorry to say - the whole performance was becoming unenjoyable for him.
<a href=ő_Seress>About Seress Rezső</a>
<a href=>About Rimsky-Korsakov</a>
<a href=>About Johnny Cash</a>
<a href=>About Stevie Ray Vaughan</a>
Not CTM member, but allowed to play in CTM SC.
Former Troll Slayer of <a href="">Highland Maulers</a>, until he tasted Mussorgsky's boots! Welcome mate!
<a href=>About Bob Marley</a>
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
<a href=>About Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan</a>
Not CTM member, but allowed to play in CTM SC.
Former beastman of <a href="">Orena Svenskar</a>. He will take the place of Tauruz Tyrenoz, who was injured on the same match.
Made a weak development: 18 games with 0 SPP.
<a href=>About Elvis Presley</a>
Not CTM member, but allowed to play in CTM SC.
Former Lineman of <a href="">RCBB Elfpanyol</a>, but Tamas killed him for us as a revenge for Zappa's death.
Since then a lot of unlucky players learned the toughness of his boots.