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JJJ Unearthed
Mighty Blow
Strangest interview of all time:
Tori Amos comes close. It was 20 minutes of mental gymnastics. She did promise me a margarita when she next came to Australia. That scares me.
Most nerve-wracking interview:
Interviewing the guys from Led Zeppelin was terrifying. Nerves can hit with any interview, but with that one I was nervous for a week leading up to it. It was a bizarre situation meeting people I was fascinated by since the age of 7.
Best interview:
The easiest interview was David Bowie. A half hour, candid conversation about whatever I wanted to ask him. No pretense, no ego.
Worst interview:
Primal Scream at the height of their drug taking in the mid-'90s. They could barely sit upright. I spent 40 minutes trying to get at least two minutes of useable material.
Worst moment on air:
Hearing Jeff Buckley was missing, presumed drowned. We contacted the police searching for him and they offered little hope after speaking to them on air. I then played "Last Goodbye". It was a hard shift to finish.
Favourite On Air Moment:
One of the best was during the Velvet Underground J Files. I wanted someone to teach me the chords to the simplest rock song ever - "Sweet Jane". Some guy rang up and we ran through the track live on air. I had my guitar with me, and he played his guitar down the phone line and we jammed on "Sweet Jane" until I got it right. That pretty much also answers the question of why I never ended up in a famous band.
First major stuff-up on air:
Singing along to a You Am I track with the mic still on, the whole way through on one of my first night shifts. Pure listening pleasure.
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
Sesame Street's Happy Birthday album and Xanadu, the movie soundtrack. On tape, of course.
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
Never be embarrassed of any bad albums. Hang onto them and then pull them out again in front of friends a few years down the track and you will be greatly rewarded. I do, however, own Brian Austin Green's (you know, David from Beverly Hills 90210) album, 'Non Stop Carnival'. That's a little embarrassing.
Band you would like to see revived:
Not a band, but a man...Elvis. But only the bloated 70's one in jumpsuits. He couldn't move much then and apparently he was asleep during most of his final shows before he died, so I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to organise. Bring on
the big hair, big sunnies and tight pants.
First memory of triple j:
My cousin first told me about JJJ, telling me I would hate it coz it was all metal and hip hop (I was probably wearing my INXS concert for Life shirt at the time), so I thought I'd see what he was on about. I remember hearing Maynard F. Crabbes and wondering how the hell this sort of thing could make it onto radio. 20 years later and I'm still listening, and still wondering!
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
John Farnham Whispering Jack, on cassette. Still the best $16.99 I've ever spent.
Favourite albums in your current collection:
All of the albums by TISM, AC/DC, Front End Loader and The Meanies; The Frogs, It's Only Right and Natural and My Daughter the Broad, and Little Dickie Kingsmill's Songs of Hope and Devotion.
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
Ted Nugent Wang Dang Sweet Poontang, if by embarrassed you mean proud as punch.
Favourite Australian artists:
Front End Loader
The Meanies
Craig Reucassel
Chris Taylor
Band you would like to see revived:
Why? Have some bands been suffocated? Or drowned? They should be more careful. Mind you, some bands should possibly have the DNR (Do Not Revive) tag applied to them.
Sure Hands
First memory of triple j:
Being forcibly removed from an outside broadcast van by chris thompson and told "piss off and don't f*cken come back"
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
1982 with a bullet
Favourite albums in your current collection:
"Spastique" by Magic Lunchbox, "very exciting" by the Hard ons
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
Hottest 100 vol 3
Favourite Australian artists:
Pete Murray, Alex Lloyd, Rob Mills
Band you would like to see revived:
Max Q
Sure Hands
First memory of triple j:
I was at school in Brisbane when triplej first started a test broadcast. I'd heard lots of stuff about this great music station from down south and was stoked to finally hear it. For the first week it was this pre-recorded 'loop' that went for about 6 hours. I listened to it so many times I could tell which tracks were coming up and what the announcer was about to say. It was the beginning of a long love affair.
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
Well the first single was the toothbrush family which I bought when I was 5, but when I turned 10 I asked my brother to take me to the record store in Lismore. He was quite a bit older than me and his tastes were a little more refined than mine. I came home with a copy of Thin Lizzy's 'Bad Reputation' EP. It took a few listens to get into it, but I soon learned to love it.
Favourite albums in your current collection:
Wow, you should see my house, my girlfriend is constantly telling me to clean up my CD's....so it's a tough call. But all time favourite would be David Bowie's 'Hunky Dory' album. I also love a lot records that were in my brother's collection, things like Eno, The Who, The Stranglers, Japan, etc. The last few years I've listened to heaps of electronic and dance music and, of course, I'm fully stocked up on top Aussie acts like Big Heavy Stuff, The Panics, Youth Group, Hyjak & Torcha, Dallas Crane, Butterfingers, Screamfeeder, The Herd, The Hiltop Hoods and Infusion.
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
Whaddya mean 'used to own'? I've still got Hot Butter's 'Popcorn' and I know I should be a little bit embarrased about it, but I still love it.
Favourite Australian artists:
How long's a piece of string? See above and listen to the show.
Band you would like to see revived:
The original Saints lineup.
Sure Hands
Scott Dooley sure has packed a lot into his 24 years. We'd love to tell you all about it, but in Dools' own words "leave me alone, can't you see I'm drinking!!". Oh Dools, you lonely drunk.
Scott likes gangster films, the Collingwood Football Club and bands his mother's never heard of.
First memory of triple j:
I remember listening to Roy and HG in the car with my dad on the way to the footy, that and calling the request fest once and being able to talk on-air with Tunny. I asked for Holiday in Cambodia, and Tunny asked me about the movie I'd seen earlier in the day, I carried him through that interview.
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
I wish it was something cool and punk rock but it was actually the 12" vinyl of 'Rain' by Dragon.
Favourite Australian artists:
Brett Whitely, Norman Lindsay and Mark Gerada (I thought that was really funny because technically they are artists, just not musicians - gold!)
Band you would like to see revived:
The Wellingtons. They're the band who sang the Gilligans Island theme song, a cautionary tale of sea travel, if ever I've heard one.
Mighty Blow
First memory of triple j:
Listening to Mikey and Razer in the old breakfast show slot. Razer was going off about something with her big words. It was pretty funny! I loved it when she got so passionate.
I love working at triple j. I am at home with all the wackkos and can wear my outlandish outfits and no one blinks an eyelid. Top bunch of people.
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
The Divinyls, 'What A Life' with such songs as 'Pleasure and Pain', 'Dear Diary', 'Good Die Young', etc. I adore Chrissie Amphlet's voice and her expression of the ups and downs of life. I think she got me through puberty.
Favourite albums in your current collection
The Herd - 'An Elephant Never Forgets'
Tomahawk - 'Mit Gas'
Cypress Hill - 'Till Death Do Us Part'
Placebo - 'Sleeping With Ghosts'
Hilltop Hoods - 'The Calling'
The Panics - 'A House On A Street, In A Town I'm From'
Clare Bowditch and the Feeding Set - 'Autumn Bone'
silverchair - 'Diorama'
Scissor Sisters - 'Scissor Sisters'
Kill Bill Vol 1 - the soundtrack
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - 'Nocturama'
...shall i keep going?
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned
mmmm...can I blame this one on my sister leaving her Meatloaf album at my place? I must admit `Heaven Can Wait' is a good tune. Aargh! I think I'm having an outer body experience.
Favourite Australian artists:
Gorgeous; silverchair; John Butler Trio; TISM; Frenzal Rhomb; Grinspoon; Jebediah; Hilltop Hoods; Butterfingers; Magic Dirt; Paradise Motel
Band you would like to see most revived:
Paradise motel/Dearhunters
Mighty Blow
First memory of triple j:
My older sisters hijacking the family car radio and putting triple j on when I was about 12. I loved the cheekiness of the presenters and the raucous music. It didn’t quite sound the same as the polite pop that most of my schoolmates were listening too.
First appearance on triple j:
Ringing Tim Ritchie’s Friday night talkback show when I was 15. My parents had gone away and we had a party. Part of the party entertainment was me drinking a few twist tops and ringing up triple j. I continued the practice of drinking and ringing up talkback shows into my mid 20s. Believe me, it beats watching Rage when you come home at 3am.
Worst triple j moment:
Drinking my own piss for a story on urine therapy. It might’ve sounded funny on the radio, but it tasted worse than a stein full of Stanley.
Strangest triple j moment:
Seeing porn at John Howard’s 2001 election night party. It was only brief, but it was memorable. I was working that night as a reporter. There was a huge screen set up in the ballroom so they could watch the election results come in. Someone changed the channel and the Wentworth Hotel in-house porn channel kicked in. I can’t confirm or deny whether John or Janette had a peek.
Favourite interview:
Larry Adler – legendary American harmonica player. He was 87 when I interviewed him. He was a brilliant musician, a great wit and a man of principle. In the 1950s he was asked to appear before the UnAmerican Activities Committee. He told them to go to hell. It destroyed his career. He moved to England and refused to live in his home country ever again. I’m a sucker for someone who stands up for what they believe in.
Worst interview:
Thankfully I don’t have to interview rock stars so I don’t have any Lou Reed moments. Though, I have on a couple occasions got a guest’s name wrong. That’s always a great way to start an interview.
Career ambitions:
To become Alan Jones’s butler. Yes, he has one.
They call him Immortal. It is the way he sees life. Whether hooking a flathead, going the grope, sending a oyster south or dropping the tweeds H.G. swears in or out it's is worth a shout.
A few This Sporting Life fans have written a few words of their own, about HG:
· Forget what you may or may not have heard before, this is the real deal. This hard man goes the hard yards in the name of a good loud root for Australia.
from: Shay
· Whether he's lazing next to the shores soaking up the sunshine of Corrimal Beach or going in hard at the Coal-face of Port Kembla's refinery, you can always count on the wisdom, the knowledge and sheer determination of the man...no, the legend...they simply call HG.
from: Kieran
· Mr Perpetual Motion, 2nd only to the great Jimmy Little for going the extra yards to tell it like it is. One of lifes Great Feud holders.
from: magnus2
· A man who thinks things through. If you go yabbying with him you know you are guaranteed to get a good feed, and some sure winners at the dogs.
from: Fiona
· He talks it up, he talks it loud, by talking about aus, he does us all proud.
from: matt peachey
· You know when HG's around, the greasepole music is roaring and he's doing his act for the sporting world of porn.
from: Charmaine
Rampaging Roy Slaven has always stepped up to the next level. No matter what was on the agenda: rugby league, horse racing, pig shooting or the lewd Roy always went for a podium finish.
A few This Sporting Life fans have written a few words about Roy:
· A lanky youth who grew up on the shores of the great Farmers Creek. He rose thru the ranks of the local school system under the protective wing of the La Salle Brothers, guided in the art of football. He became the hero of the town and inspiration for the new lithgow.com town logo "NSW first learning city". Remember the lessons your mother, Willamina taught you. "Win the fight and you win the match"
from: Kieran
· Boyish good looks which have stood the testament of time have been a curse for the Ramper. Classmates avoid school reunions so their wives can't meet him. Little do they know that their little ladies' sudden active interest in sport is generated by someone far more intelligent than Wendall and far better looking than ET.
from: Joh King
· A man of such varied talents that even the Mitchell library is lost for the as-yet-unused adjective. One of the few people who can walk it like they talk it and still edit their own copy. Available to many, but still in a genre all of his own.
from: sharkuss
· Roy digs into the topic and sort of runs with it. He goes deeper than the subject matter of fact and roots around in the intestine to see exactly what has been consumed in comparison to whatever subject is spewing forth from which ever orifice.
from: curly
· Whether he's chewin the fat about the balls and the bat, Slaven is clean shaven on the in outs of the corporate teams' ducks bum.
from: Charmaine
· I'll never forget the social doubles game that I stumbled upon a couple of years ago, on one of the outside courts at the All-England club. The Rampaging One playing with 'Muscles' Kenny Rosewall versus The Newk and 'Rocket' Rod Laver. Roy's lunging backhand down-the-line finished the clash just in time for the foursome, and my good self to nip off to the nearest watering hole and have a couple of quiet pints while Roy replayed his backhand over and over.
from: Raddles
· A man whose many career highlights include massaging Michael Voss's Groin before the 2001 AFL Grandfinal, teaching Matt Burke how to build up enough bladder pressure to dent the trough, and beating a 12 year old Leyton Hewitt on an bitumen court in Wagga!
from: Rexamillion Maximus
First memory of triple j:
Michael Tunn trying to say the word "cinnamon".
Favourite albums in your current collection:
Pat Benatar's Greatest Hits -Vol.2;
The Complete Works of Pat Benatar;
The Best Pat Benatar Songs in the World...Ever!; and
Fired Up: Rammstein Sings Benatar
Favourite almost dead Portugese author:
Jose Saramago
Favourite Australian artists:
For me, Australian artists generally fall into two categories - those I wish to personally drown in an industrialised vat of greek yoghurt and those whose naked bodies I wish to draw all over with a magic marker. Occasionally I am undecided and end up drawing on their bodies with yoghurt.
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
triple j's Hottest 100 Vol. 3 - I accidently stole it from this chick and she came round to my house one day and when she saw it said it was her's and I denied it but she'd put her initials on the back of the CD cover. I actually felt more embarrassed for her.
Two artists you would like to be the child of:
If I could be the sporn of Jonathon from Mercury Rev and Patience from the Grates my dream of performing like a swan being electrocuted on high voltage power lines would be fulfilled
Terri is a Melbourne-based performer who is often mistaken for no-one in particular, although one of her sisters is a good friend of Millsy's. As well as writing and performing comedy, and struggling with the CD player on triple j mid-dawn shifts, Terri is also a well known sex addict. At least, she would be if she could find a dealer. Please give that she may grow something extra to add to her bio.
First memory of triple j:
Listening to Helen & Mikey on the breakfast show.
First record/cd you spent your pocket money on:
'True Blue' by Madonna, on cassette. I'd play it in the backyard while using the clothes line handle as a microphone.
Favourite albums in your current collection:
Jose Gonzales, The Shins, Elbow, Doves
An album you are embarrassed to admit you once owned:
New Kids On The Block. Please don't tell anyone.
Favourite Australian artists:
Art Of Fighting, Clare Bowditch & The Feeding Set, Sarah Blasko, Something For Kate
Band you would like to see revived:
New Kids On The Block so I can ask for my money back, as well as my dignity.