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Ghary the Ghoul is a former mortuary technician who was invited to leave the health care industry after 'incriminating' photographs were found of him on his own laptop. Ghary insists that he was "only cuddling the corpses" to this day...
Ghregory is famous for creating the special coating used in all Kentucky Fried Cadaver restaurants. He is also the only person 'alive' who knows the whole recipe for the flavoured beans, although the local cesspools do seem to mysteriously empty overnight...
Isla Wight enjoys drinking real ale and watching seagulls. Other than that he's pretty much a regular Wight...
Wally the Werewolf used to work in a newsagents before being bitten, he says he misses being able to flip through the 'top shelf' magazines after closing, but doesn't mind as he can afford hookers now he's famous.
Willy the Werewolf still owns the Poodle parlour where he was bitten, but the day to day running of the store is run by his 'partner' Rupert. Willy's favourite drink is Bacardi and Coke, and he enjoys watching wrestling.
Often bullied at school Brian spent most of his childhood playing solo AD&D and watching the other girls and boys out of his attic window. Brian entered into undeath after being force fed 7 different cough medicines, anti-hayfever drugs, and half a tub of eczema cream. The resultant mix, by pure coincidence, was as close to Baron Tuesday's famous Voodoo Zombie Potion and Salsa recipe as to make no difference...
Shane was lynched by an angry mob of villagers after he was caught stealing ladies underwear from washing lines and returning them 'soiled'. It is believed that the sheer power of his inadequacies are what brought him back from true death...
Wayne was kicked to death in a backstreet public house after his "One Man & His Right Hand" adult variety act failed to please at an Orcish hen night. It is said that Wayne roams the streets at dusk looking for his missing testicle that was wrenched from his body in the ensuing brawl.
Darren loves cheese & onion crisps, tuna mayo sandwiches, and goats. When not playing Blood Bowl he enjoys nothing more than sitting down with his friends and playing the Ungame... He doesn't have many friends...
Darren loves cheese & onion crisps, tuna mayo sandwiches, and goats. When not playing Blood Bowl he enjoys nothing more than sitting down with his friends and playing the Ungame... He doesn't have many friends...
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Donald McRonald the dwarven cafe owner was famous for murdering his human customers and making them into pies, until one day he attempted to mince Farquarson-Smythe the Necromatic-Wizard...
Farquarson-Smythe had to think fast, so he summoned Freddy the Flesh Golem from Donald's trash can full of left over human body parts. Freddy killed Donald with a single punch, then followed F-S back to his dungeon lair. Unfortunately the human offal and off-cuts in the trash can was 70% butts and weiners, so Freddy is not the smartest cookie, and has real odour issues.
Colin collects Garbage Pail Kid stickers, pretty neat huh?
Clive was simply sooo boring in life, that he went totally unnoticed after he had breathed his last. Even Death himself failed to noticed the drab little man in his beige nightshirt lying on his death bed. Clive never learnt the Dodge skill, but his ability to go unnoticed and ignored has often gotten him out of a scrape when the opposing player simply wandered off...