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Durin's Folks
Thick Skull
Azaghâl was king of the Broadbeam Dwarves of Belegost during the First Age. He was slain by the dragon Glaurung after wounding him in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The Helm of Hador was originally made for him by Telchar.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Thorin Oakenshield was the King of Durin's Folk who led the expedition to destroy Smaug in 2941 T.A.
Thick Skull
Stand Firm
Dáin II Ironfoot was a descendant of Grór, the youngest son of Dáin I of Durin's folk, and was lord of the Dwarves of the Iron Hills in Wilderland. When only a "stripling in the reckoning of the Dwarves", Dáin joined his father's contingent in the Battle of Azanulbizar, at which time he slew Azog and looked into the Gate of Moria. As his father was slain by Azog, at this time he took up the rule of the Iron Hills. Many years later, after the slaying of Smaug in 2941, Thorin II Oakenshield bid him come to relieve the siege of Erebor. After Thorin's death in the resulting Battle of Five Armies, Dáin was proclaimed king of Durin's Folk. He fell in the Battle of Dale in 3019, defending himself valiantly even at the old age of 252. He was succeeded by his son Thorin III Stonehelm.
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
King Durin I of Khazad-dûm, better known as Durin the Deathless, was the eldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, first created by Aulë the Vala.
Thick Skull
Stand Firm
Gamil Zirak was a Dwarvish smith, who was the master of Telchar of Nogrod. Gamil was a great craftsman, whose work was found in the treasuries of Elu Thingol.
Bombur was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. The cousin of Bifur and brother of Bofur, he was not descended from Durin.
"Poor, fat" Bombur is frequently shown as being the last in everything: because he counts for two, he is the last to enter Beorn's house and the last to cross the Enchanted River in Mirkwood. He is also depicted as being foolish and making mistakes when last: he tumbles with Bifur and Bofur onto Thorin when they enter Bag End last, he enters Beorn's house earlier than intended, and he also falls into the Enchanted River. Trusting neither mountain paths nor ropes to hold his weight, he chooses to stay and guard the company's camp while the others move up Erebor. However, he is forced to use the ropes to escape the rampaging dragon Smaug.
Bombur sleeps at several key moments in the book. When he falls into the Enchanted River, he falls under a spell that makes him sleep for days, causing his already despairing companions to carry him. During the siege of Erebor, Bilbo uses Bombur's sleepiness to his advantage, promising to take Bombur's midnight watch and allow him to sleep. As well, he was asleep when his barrel was opened at Esgaroth and when Bilbo discovered the secret entrance to Erebor.
Many years later, in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins inquires after Bombur and learns that he has grown so fat it takes six young dwarves to lift him, as he can no longer move from his bed to his couch.
In the 1977 Rankin-Bass version of The Hobbit, he was voiced by Paul Frees.
Óin, son of Gróin was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. Along with his brother Glóin, he was counted on to start the campfires, though the brothers bickered over the task. He was also one of the six chief Dwarves who entered Moria with Balin. His death came while trying to escape via the Western Door, taken by the Watcher in the Water
Thick Skull
Gimli, the son of Glóin, was chosen by Elrond to be one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring. He remained with Aragorn throughout the War of the Ring, fighting at the Hornburg and at Pelargir. His friendship with Legolas was held up as unusual, as Dwarves and Elves were usually antagonistic to each other. His admiration for the Elf-Lady Galadriel further expanded the conjoinment of the Dwarven-Elf Alliance.
Thick Skull
Balin was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. The son of Fundin and elder brother of Dwalin, he was born in 2763 Third Age. Balin was driven into exile by the dragon Smaug in 2770, along with the rest of the surviving Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. In 2790, Balin followed King Thráin II into the bloody War of Dwarves and Orcs, after which he settled for a time somewhere in the Blue Mountains. In 2841, Balin began an ill-fated quest with King Thráin II to return to Erebor. This journey resulted in the disappearance and eventual death of Thráin II. Balin returned to the Blue Mountains. During the Quest, exactly one century later, he and Bilbo became close friends. Many years after the destruction of Smaug, Balin led an expedition to recolonise Khazad-dûm. Although the colony began well, Balin was slain after only a few years at the beginning of an Orc-assault that destroyed the colony. In The Fellowship of the Ring the Fellowship found his tomb, located inside the Chamber of Mazarbul (Chamber of Records), in the mines of Moria.
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
Fíli was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. He and his brother Kíli were the sons of Dís, Thorin's sister. The two brothers were described as being young in Dwarf terms, being younger than the rest by some fifty years, and having the best eyesight. Fíli was the younger of the two and confirmed Bilbo's sighting of a boat along the Enchanted River. The brothers are consistently described as being cheerful, being the only two to come out of the barrels at Lake-Town "more or less smiling." Along with Kíli, Fíli fell at the Battle of the Five Armies, defending his uncle Thorin.
Thick Skull
Dwalin was one of the twelve companions of Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. His name is taken from Dvalin, a dwarf from the Poetic Edda and other Norse mythology. The son of Fundin and younger brother of Balin, Dwalin was one of the least mentioned Dwarves in The Hobbit, even though he was the first Dwarf to arrive at Bag End. He wore a dark green hood and a golden belt and had a blue beard, and, like his brother Balin, he played the viol. Dwalin lent a hood and cloak to Bilbo when they set out on their journey. He died in IV 91 at the age of 340, very old even for a Dwarf.