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Khaine's Betrayed
Ritual Attempted: Abjuration of the Sinful Arena
Time Of Painful Death: 15 Minutes 26 Seconds
Rituals Use: This was a ritual where by a high elf had wished to accend to demi-god hood, this required 11 witches and 19 sacrifices, the ritual eventually failed and the dark elf lost his manhood, they didnt call it Abjuration of the Sinful Arena for nothing!
Ritual Attempted: Avatars' Evocation of Visions
Time Of Painful Death: 0.215 Seconds
Rituals Use: This was used during one of the high elves wars to see if khaine would allow the sacrifice of a dark elf in order to summon a "Pure" avatar, this required a high elf of high skill to be able to "Ascend" to ask for this...no-one knows what happens because Akina was reduced to dust faster than the eye could see (Were assuming that asking for a pure avatar from a dark elf was taken as an insult)
Ritual Attempted: Ceremony of the Low Warriors of Instruments
Time Of Painful Death: 4 Days 13 Hours 39 Minutes 8 Seconds
Rituals Use: This has to be the daftest, and longest way to screw up a ritual, during a bloodbowl match the local high elf cheering band managed to forget all of there instruments...so they decided to do a simple materialise spell, multiplied 30 fold, the thing is the wizard managed to bodge it up (Chance of that is known at 3.4 million to 1, how do you fancy winning the euromillions? :D) the miscast for this was for instruments to materialise inside the victim very slowly and eventually burst the wizard into little pieces, the instruments come out intact however
Ritual Attempted: Demons' Summoning of Shields
Time Of Painful Death: 9.64 Seconds
Rituals Use: This is a ritual only to be used in dire events, and the chance of mistcast is pretty high, even for the high elves (Approx. 70/30 in favour of screwing up) If performed correctly a demon encased in a shield will take a serious amount of damage from any blows that come the casters way, if screwed up a demon is summoned into the sheild...the shield then breaks...
Ritual Attempted: None
Method Of Death: Falling Off Ulthuan's Head Castle's Tallest Tower
Time Of Painful Death: 8 Minutes 3 Seconds To Fall, 2 Seconds To Die
Reason For Death: Hey, he was a drunken guard, what else is gonna happen?
Ritual Attempted: Steel Ritual of Forbidden Banes
Time Of Painful Death: 3 Minutes 2 Seconds
Rituals Use: usually this ritual is used to place a 15ft thick steel wall in the way off problems, and usually is easy to cast, so what does this idiot do, he materialises the steel block...right over his head...he spent 3 minutes trying to magically lift it, then ran out of strength, 2 seconds later he was crushed
Ritual Attempted: Working of the Wraiths of Decay
Time Of Painful Death: 30 Seconds (Suicide)
Rituals Use: This ritual has the use of slowing down attackers, if not stopping them altogether (If there smart)...basically the ground in front of the caster is infected with the chaos god Nurgle's own bile...the only drawback is it is totally up to Nurgle himself if he allows the ritual to work, which puts the fail rate majorly high (there have been 297 attempts of this ritual, 293 attempts by high elves, 291 fails) the result was nurgle infects the mind of the caster, believe me its not pretty
Ritual Attempted: Rite of Pain
Time Of Painful Death: 3 Seconds
Rituals Use: Basically to torture information out of someone (thing)...thing is someone forgot to tie down the victim, he did no more but put a bolt through the wizards head
Ritual Attempted: Rite of the Divnity of Silence
Time Of Painful Death: 3 Days
Rituals Use: basically to "mute" blabbermouths to the armys plans...the thing is it backfired...and ended up muting the wizard..he spent the next 3 days litrally dying of thirst
Ritual Attempted: Apocalypse
Time Of Painful Death: He Never Did
Ritual Use: THE BIG ONE, this wizard had just been betrayed by his own brother, in revenge he threatened to end his life...but the brother just laughed and was heard quoting "Kill Me? Buhahahaha If You Tried Against A World This Big You Would Still End Up Failing!"...so he tried...and currently holds the record (To common knowledge) of getting the furthest, he held the ritual for 67% of the time needed (Bear in mind thats nearly 11 hours) Until his brother realised he wasnt bluffing and pulled him down, he was dishoned and thrown aside
Ritual Attempted: Conjuration of the Arch-angel
Time Of Painful Death: 3 Seconds
Rituals Use: Used in times of desperate need, an arch angel is summoned to a place for assistance (Be it advice or battle) the chance of failing is 0 except its up to the angel what he does with his new found "ground life"...the angel summoned this time was a little cheesed he was summoned...he was busy with other matters at the time...and they must have been serious because he split the wizards head off (And they call these angels nice??)