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Sangreal Dark Knights
Richard is the team captain and he was always a leader. As a knight, he was a man of war and uses to lead several men-at-arms on the battlefield. He is the fans favorite.
He is really firm on his legs so he can BLOCK opponents.
His skills in teamplay made him a real GUARD for his mates.
Richard is really skilled at hitting down agile players because he can TACKLE them.
Alcaeus is a tough guy and a real good swordsman. Story tells that once, he killed a chaos giant in a single shot. Now that he is a bloodbowl player, he stand as offensive coordinator.
Alcaeus is a rock, he can BLOCK his opponents.
He is well known for his strength and each of his hits are MIGHTY BLOWs.
Guillaume is a seducer, he walked in every court of Bretonnia and most of the beautiful women falled for him. He might be gorgeous but his knights capacity are well known as well and he is a good shot at killing foes.
His knights training gave him the capacity to BLOCK people.
He is a teamplayer and will assist and GUARD his mates.
Jansen worshipped the lady of the lake as a true fanatic but when he acted unknightly in a battle against the Empire, she took back her benediction and he left the country in despair. Sometime ago, the coach approach him and offer him the chance of show his qualities on a bloodbowl pitch. He accepted and we'll see what he got.
Jansen is very solid on his legs and he can stand a BLOCK.
As a true knight, Jansen place his comrades before himself in a battle, so he GUARDs them.
Sure Hands
Vivian always thought he could be a great Knight, but his peasant origin broke his dreams immediatly. He works hard to improve his physical aptitude and some says that he never left the gymnasium.
Vivian is a real muscle man, his STRENGTH is well known from the team Captain.
Menaut dislike playing Bloodbowl, he do it only because he is Richard swordsman. On a pitch, he never search to really play and he is really happy when the Ref' ban him.
The only thing he like on a pitch is to boot opponents, what a DIRTY PLAYER !
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate