Linear Congruential Generator
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
The linear congruential generator (LCG) was proposed by Lehmer in 1948 [83]. We denote this pseudorandom number generator with underlying recursion y(n+1)=ay(n)+b(mod m) and seed y(0) by LCG(m,a,b,y(0)).
Man i always hated maths with recursion. Give me a good ol' Navier-Stokes aeroelasticity calculation and I'm your man, but recursions. Yuck!
The non-prime Modulus was selected to facilitate the mod operation and the multiplier was selected primarily because of the simplicity of its binary representation.
Operation Mod, ha eat that Mersenne! We're going undercover on your behinds.
They say he's stupid and unfit for service. Lies, all lies. RANDU has lots of big letters and makes me think of random, so he must be good enough.
- Research and experience has now made it clear that RANDU represents a flawed generator with no significant redeeming features. RANDU has a major failing in that "random numbers fall mainly on the planes". And the results tend to clump together.
G'damn planes. Always those wicked planes!
Ok, this is it. Planes. Hyper ones. They should quite rightfully be feared. Boo!
We don't really know how it works, which makes it all the more frightful.
Foul hasn't really got any relation to the team except to prove that Avalanche of 1 will change to a short and singular Avalanche of 6 occurence.
Also it's a good word to get a heated debate started.
Knuth doesn't like RANDU. He even called him ``really horrible'' [67, p. 173,].
Who are you rooting for anyway Knuth? You treacherous !"#!ยค!
Having very hastily dated women in their prime of age I could never understand why prime numbers were so special. A bit more wobbly and less teeth.
Well at least prime comes with more experience! Beat that you... you Mersenne Twister. Thingamajig.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell ya that 2 > 1. Power of 2 is like a foreboding littler version of 3rd times a charm.
But i dunno, i've been told 3 is a prime number and my prime experience was all but charming, especially the 3rd time. What was the question again?
Go Power of 2!
WATCH OUT!'s an avalanche. An avalanche of ones!
Lots of wailing, gnashing of teeth, whining and rolling of mad eyes will follow. Unless you tried to Foul. In which case you'd roll a 6.
Damn that Mersenne Twister!
Swoosh, three pints! Err, points. Apparently this has something to do with those wicked hyperplanes. And points. On the planes.
Cause of that they say I'm mathematically unfit to continue. But Mersenne is? What gives? Needs to be further tested in the Spirometer.