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B-Block Bashers
Leonard Wilks serves a prison sentence of 10 years for manslaughter after killing an alledged rapist. Wilks stepped in when he saw a woman assaulted and in the following struggle he landed an unlucky blow that ended the life of his opponent. Since the woman was a prostitute with a warrant Wilks was left without witnesses to cover his story.
While in prison the 43 year old Wilks has become somewhat of a father figure for many of the younger convicts in the B-Block which earned him his nickname. He was a natural choice as the captain of the team and has promised to do his best to keep his men out of trouble.
He is a front line leader and his ability to rally his teammates and hold his ground has earned him the respect of everyone amongst the Bashers.
Sadly age is catching up with Wilks and his body can't cope with the many blows and tackles as well as it used to. Many suspect that the charismatic leader will be forced to step back as captain in the near future.
Wilks declined to participate in the final of the Penal League Play Off I, claiming that he was injured and forced to sit it out. Many believe that he was afraid of getting the pardon if his team won, after being such an inspirational leader for his team. As things turned out the favored Bashers lost the final, and while some holds him in high regard because of his stance, others blame him for the loss.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Age niggled on first skill roll
Missed the final of Penal League Play Off I due to his niggling injury
Got his hand smashed in a gangfoul vs McMurty Dozen
Missed the first round of Penal League Play Off II due to his niggling injury
<b>Matches missed due to niggling injuries:</b> 2
Bernard "The Train" Lynx was a professional football player before he ended up in B-Block. He has now served 2 out of the 7 year sentence for rape and while having lost much of his shape he is still a talented player.
Despite having witnesses that supported his claim that the alledged victim engaged in sexual activity with him voluntarily Lynx was sentenced to jail. He has behaved exemplary during his time in prison and although a prime candidate for an early parole Lynx decided to join the B-Block Bashers because he has missed the game.
Lynx nickname "The Train" was aquired during his football career when he was well known for his ability to break through the opponents defensive line.
During his time with the Bashers "The Train", despite being a technically brilliant player, has earned the reputation as something of the bad boy of the team. His discipline is atrocious compared to his days as a professional player and he has both missed games due to breaking rules and shown up hung over.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
"The Train" missed a league match vs Nada Ma'am due to being confined to solitary after a fight with some other inmates in B-Block.
Suffered from a bad hangover in the first round of Penal League Play Off II
Timothy Robinson is serving a 5 year sentence for kidnapping after having broken into his ex-wife's home and taking his kids away. Robinson claims that his ex-wife's new boyfriend is molesting them, but since he could provide no proof he lost the case.
The devout christian has earned the nickname "Righteous" after his moralistic attitude towards his fellow inmates, which is a constant source of irritation. Despite lacking the respect of his teammates Robinson's excellent physique has earned him a place in the squad.
Robinsons motivation for applying to the Bashers and winning his freedom is to have a chance of monitoring his childrens well being.
Angelo "Angel" Jimenez serves a life time sentence for arson after having torched the caravan home of a rival which lead to the death of 3 people. Jimenez was passionately in love with a woman and while under the influence of alcohol he made the idiotic decision to scare his rival away by burning his caravan home while he was away on a trip. Little did Jimenez know that he had invited his cousin and her two children to stay at his home.
His nickname has nothing to do with a good natured spirit, but just refers to his real name. Jimenez pleaded guilty to the crime and apologized deeply to the family of the victims, but because two of the victims where children the sentence was harsh.
Angel's chances of winning the heart of his love hasn't improved since he started playing Blood Bowl. The many punches, kicks and tackles have made their marks on him and his right eye got gouged out of it's socket in the match against Serial Killer Psychos.
That "Angel" is full of passion and temper comes as no surprise seeing to his crimes, but that he could utilize it so well on the pitch was a pleasant bonus. Angel can work himself up into a frenzy and when he reaches that peak he is a frightful sight on the pitch.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Scored a TD in the premier of Penal League I
Got his eye gouged out vs Serial Killer Psychos
Missed the first round of the Penal League Play Off I due to his severe injury
Suffered a groin sprain on a failed block in the final of Penal League Play Off I
Broke his jaw on a double failed GFI vs Serial Killer Psychos
Scored a TD in the first round of Penal League Play Off II
Side Step
Robbie Fowles grew up on the streets and although not a mean spirited person he has built up an extensive rap sheet of minor crimes. He is currently serving a 2 year sentence for burglary, but after having been jumped and nearly killed by a rival gang in prison he decided that he needed to escape by any means.
Fowles earned his nickname "Peanut" on the streets because his head looks small in comparison to his body.
<b>Achievments & Happenings</b>
Scored a TD in the premier of Penal League II
Scored a TD in the first round of the Penal League Play Off I
Side Step
Sure Hands
Mario Alvarez serves a 3 year jail sentence for assault, forgery and identity theft. The illegal immigrant got caught with a fake ID card and in desperation he tackled the police officer to the ground while trying to escape.
Alvarez is suffering from claustrophobia and finds his situation in prison untolerable. He earned his nickname because of his phenomenal speed and will hopefully be a good addition to the squad.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Scored a TD in the premier of Penal League II
Smashed his hand on a failed dodge vs Life Without Parole
Scored 2 TD's in the first round of the Penal League Play Off I
Missed the match vs Serial Killer Psychos due to the It Wasn't Me handicap
Missed a league match vs Nada Ma'am due to severe stomach problems
Missed the first round of Penal League Play Off II due to his niggling injury
<b>Matches missed due to niggling injuries:</b> 2
Steward Hendell used to be a police officer, infamous for being rumored to take bribes and get involved in criminal ventures. He earned the nickname "Safe" because he lived a simple life and pocketed his incomes on a secret location. The rumors about him turned out to be true and an ex cop doesn't live long in the general population prison system, so Hendell decided to join the team to ensure his safety.
An ex-cop doesn't have it easy on the pitch either, and the Serial Killer Psychos didn't miss the chance to stomp Hendell hand, crippling him badly.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Got his hand badly smashed vs Serial Killer Psychos
Missed the first round of the Penal League Play Off I due to his smashed hand
Broke his jaw on a gangfoul vs McMurty Dozen
<b>Matches missed due to niggling injuries:</b> 1
Sure Hands
Strong Arm
Jimmy Knowles earned his nickname for being a sweet mouthed ladies man, living on his southern charms and manner. He wasn't very slick when it came to the young Rosetta though and is now serving a 3 year sentence for sexual assault, stalking and indecent exposure.
The slightly manic Slick is determined to win the love of the young woman and hopes that he can win a pardon to give her a new try.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Suffered a groin sprain vs McMurty Dozen
Michael Kevins, aka "Chop Chop" is a notorious serial killer that stacked up 8 bodies before he was caught, all neatly dismembered by a meat cleaver. Kevins applied to the team the same day he was put in D-Block, but beauraucratic decisions halted his inclusion into the team until late in the team's career.
Michael Kevins joined the Bashers for the final of the Penal League Play Off II. The suggestion to include him into the team was a controversial one, because of the nature of his crimes, but the Blood Bowl commission decided to let him apply.
Kevins is not a very pleasant character and is a lone wolf in the team, keeping to himself and rarely speaking to anyone.
Julius "Chrome" Sanders has lived as a street thug his entire life and is now serving a 15 year sentence for first degree murder. Sanders earned his nickname after his favourite weapon, a custom made chromed revolver that is now in the custody of the police department. Sanders doesn't relish the idea of spending 15 years in prison and has applied to the squad to try to win his freedom.
A savage kick to the spine in the match against the Dishonored Guards has caused severe nerve damage to Sanders. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it keeps him off the pitch, but he has decided to keep trying to reach his freedom. The pain hasn't improved his allready mean temper though and Chrome is starting to grow a reputation for being one of the meanest bastards in the Penal League.
<b>Achievments & Happenings</b>
Pinched a nerve vs Dishonored Guards
Broke his neck in the final of Penal League Play Off I
The Dog, lineman - Brixton Bashers
<b>Matches missed due to niggling injuries:</b> 1
Majeed Al-Sahwari is allready famous. The fundamentalist muslim leader was convicted to life in prison for first-degree murder but the trial was very controversial and both muslim groups and the media has claimed that Al-Sahwari is the victim of a conspiracy by the government.
During his time in D-Block Al-Sahwari has become a spiritual leader for the muslim convicts and earns massive respect from his followers. Despite the risk of permanent injuries or worse Al-Sahwari has decided to join the Bashers with the motivation that Allah will keep him safe and make sure he gets his pardon.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Suffered a groin sprain vs McMurty Dozen
Missed an entire match vs Nada Ma'am due to failing all (7/7) Morley's Revenge rolls, and was awarded the MVP after the match.
Drego Sarkis is serving a life time sentence for a string of mob related murders. Despite being new to the team "Droog" has built up a lot of reputation for his violent behavior, and there are many rumors about the Russian hitman.
It is unclear if Sarkis applied to the team to win his freedom or if he wanted the chance to cause more bloodshed.
Frank Charlton was sentenced to a 10 year prison sentence for manslaughter and drunk driving, in a controversial case where there were serious doubts of Charlton being guilty or not. Another severly intoxicated man crashed into his car and lost his life in the accident, but because Charlton had been drinking a few beers he was held responsible.
In prison Charlton has been behaving perfectly and until he decided to join the Bashers he was the chef of the prison kitchen. Nobody really knows Charlton's motivation for risking his life on the pitch.
Erik Wertzen is serving a 5 year sentence for drug trafficking, grand theft auto and robbery. The Chilean born Swede had serious drug problems from which he has now recovered, and he applied to the Bashers as a chance to win his freedom.
Wertzen got his nickname "Taliban" from his drug dealer days, due to the size of his beard.
<b>Achievements & Happenings</b>
Missed the match vs Nilfgard Prisoners due to the It Wasn't Me handicap