13 coaches online • Server time: 02:29
Pond S.C.U.M
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&group=4458"><img src="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/michael.gavin1/bloodbowl/scum/scum%20banner.jpg"></a>
I am the groups alcoholic Uncle. Regularly sited in IRC spouting abuse to anyone who'll listen, and incapable of declining a challenge, or playing in any kind of fit state once said challenge starts! Alcohol dependancy, it's not a problem kids, more a lifestyle choice.
I have no problem with the label 'mediocre'. Almost certainly because it's a big word and I don't understand big words. Russo told me it means 'brave and strong', so I'm probably the most mediocre here!
I am the Mummy of the group, I let Daddy think he is boss, but really I wear the pants in THIS Stable!! Despite Daddy's superior record against all comers, he still does NOT have that better Head to head v me....
I like mediocrity as it hides me from getting my head blown off for sticking it above the parapet.
I am here because I want the opportunity to play the so-called baddies from the LoA etc and see just how much better than me they are...
I am the groups paradoxical moodswinging black sheep of a brother, light hearted, warm and fuzzy one minute, evil mastermind genius the next.
I allow russo and sera to squabble, confident that my time at the head of the family will come. I pity Crib, as i know in my heart that Alcoholics drink too much..................I just drink to often.
Mediocracy doesn't bother me in the slightest, although i am resentful of all labels.
Did i mention that i was paradoxical?
To date, I’m the superior coach of the group, and the daddy! I resent the term Mediocrity – but understand the necessity of it for any Stable that has Chewie and Russo as members.
I regularly beat on L.o.A members, who seem to think that Dirty Player is a strategy! Hah! They’re a sorry bunch of miscreants.
Hailing from the sunny west country I suppose I am the yokle of the group. No teeth, straw hat, tendency to say 'Yarr' a lot. Smell strangly of apples. My teams know how to fight, to drink and the ways to correctly identify and quantify pigs in their exact imperial weight in cider.
Ph34r /\/\y L33t P1g0r1Ng Sk1LLz
From the cold Province of Quebec Canada Rises Domsterlord, mathematical genius and sadistic pixel eater. As a perfectionist I bring even more mediocrity to an already very mediocre team. My motto is: Losing is for loosers.
Dirty Player
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=379561>Coached by Russo</a>
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=370728>Coached by SeraphimRed</a>
Diving Tackle
Side Step
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=355176>Coached by GrinningD</a>
Diving Tackle
Side Step
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=357335>Coached by Cribbleobblepie</a>
Diving Tackle
Side Step
<a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=361433>Coached by Chewie</a>