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Diving Tackle
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Leader of the Spectral Knights and prince of New Valarak. He possesses the totem of the Lion and his Power Staff bestows the Power of Wisdom.
Magical power: Wisdom - "Whispered secrets of a shattered age, I summon you: renew this sage!"
The leader of the Darkling Lords. Even before receiving his totem powers, he commanded the allegiance of Reekon and Mortredd. He secures the allegiance of the other members of his group when finding them caught in a trap during the quest to Merklynn's shrine, having them swear loyalty to him in exchange for freeing them. He bears the totem of the Mollusk and his power staff holds the Power of Decay. The cartoon showed he also had a secondary power to reverse his own Decay.
Magical power: Decay - "By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, Let all that grows recede and rot!"
Decay Reversal - "Power of rot, obscuring truth, What once was old restore to youth!"
Back Again!
"Arzon, when it was necessary to fly, you found wings" (Merklynn). He possesses the totem of the Eagle and his totem staff imparts the Power of Knowledge.
Magical power: Knowledge - "A whim, a thought, and more is sought. Awake my mind; thy will be wrought!"
Retired as lineman with a niggle to return as a Blitzer
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The only female knight among the Spectral Knights, hailing from Androsia. She possesses the totem of the Dolphin. Galadria is the love interest of Cryotek. In the comic books, she gained the Power of Healing.
Magical power: Healing - "By warmth of heart, your pain I feel. Grant me the power, your wounds to heal!"
The most short-tempered of the Darkling Lords, Cravex bears the totem of the phylot (a dinosaur-like scavenging bird on the planet of Prysmos) and his power staff invokes the Power of Fear.
Magical power: Fear - "Oh mist-filled pits, dark, dank, unclear, Touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!"
Dirty Player
Diving Tackle
Previously a construction worker during the Age of Science, Cindarr's main adversary is Cryotek. He is considered the most dim-witted of the Darkling Lords, occasionally displaying kindness toward others which exasperates his fellow Darkling Lords, which shows Cindarr not as evil, but following the oath he made to Darkstorm. Cindarr bears the totem of the Gorilla and his power staff invokes the Power of Destruction.
Magical power: Destruction - "By nature's hand, by craft, by art, What once was one now fly apart!"
Destruction Reversal - "What was asunder and undone, Now be whole, the two make one!"
Darkstorm's most loyal Darkling Lord. An unapologetic sycophant, Mortred is utterly devoted to Darkstorm. He possesses the totem of the Beetle, and like Reekon has the ability to power vehicles. His main vehicle is the aerial vehicle known as the Sky Claw, which has the power of Flight.
Magical power: Flight - "Wings of steel shall ride the breeze. Invade the air, the land, the seas!"
"Arzon, when it was necessary to fly, you found wings" (Merklynn). He possesses the totem of the Eagle and his totem staff imparts the Power of Knowledge.
Magical power: Knowledge - "A whim, a thought, and more is sought. Awake my mind; thy will be wrought!"
A career thief during the Age of Science, Reekon serves Darkstorm for primarily mercenary reasons. For his stealth and treachery, Merklynn awards him the totem of the Lizard. During both the Age of Science and the Age of Magic, Reekon finds himself engaging in a battle of wits against Ectar. Reekon has no totem staff but has the ability to power vehicles. His main vehicle is the Dagger Assault, which features a containment cell that serves as a Magic Extractor.
Magical power: Magic Extractor - "Flay the flesh, lay bare the bone. Upon this field, let grief be sown!"
The youngest of the Spectral Knights. Like Ectar and Leoric, he lives in New Valarak. He possesses the totem of the Wolf. He has no totem staff but boasts an additional ability to activate vehicles. His main vehicle is the Capture Chariot. In the comics, this held the Power of Fire.
Magical power: Fire - "Draw upon the breath of stars, And scorch the sky with fiery scars!"
Leoric's lieutenant. Before the Great Cataclysm, he was a policeman in the City of Valarak, often matching wits against a master thief named Reekon who later becomes a Darkling Lord. He possesses the totem of the Fox. He has no totem staff but is one of the knights able to power vehicles. His main vehicle of choice is the Lancer Cycle. In the comics, this held the Power of Protection.
Magical power: Protection - "Shield this craft from one and all. Reflect, deflect, depose and fall!"
Brought back from the dead to have another go as a lineman
He possesses the totem of the Cheetah and his totem staff bestows the Power of Lightspeed.
Magical power: Light Speed - "Sheathe these feet in the driving gale, Make swift these legs o'er land I sail!"
The original Witterquick aged a niggle on game 2 and retired