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Dunbarton Archers
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Strong Arm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
+MA (30k)
Guard (20k)
<i>"The autumn came, and it stood alone
And bow'd as the wind pass'd by,
The wind that utter'd its dirge-like moan
In the old oak scar and dry;
And the hollow branches creak'd and sway'd,
But they bent not to the blast,
For the stout oak tree, where centuries play'd.
Was sturdy to the last."</i>
<div align="center">-Elizabeth Oakes-Smith</div>
Killed another <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=6224691>tree</a> in a hard fought <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=2542216>match</a>.
2 CAS vs. Ancient Generals - 12/1/2007
(Break Tackle, Piling On, Multiple Block)
Diving Tackle (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<i>"He drifted by, in collar and crying robe,
Not here to nurse or call, I thought him strange;
A medium between this fleeting globe
And that beyond imagination’s range."</i>
<div align="center">-Sean Godley</div>
Team Captain
First wardancer
Founding member of Dunbarton Archers
Scored first touchdown in Dunbarton Archers history
2 TD vs. Rumania 4ever - 10/8/2007
(Sure Feet, Pass Block, Sure Hands)
((Mighty Blow, Dauntless))
+AG (40k)
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Leap (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<i>"Of our ancestors, brave true ancient Scots,
Whose glorious scutcheons knew no bars or blots;
But blood untainted circled ev'ry vein,
And ev'ry thing ignoble did disdain..."</i>
<div align="center">-Blind Harry</div>
Founding member of Dunbarton Archers
Played in all of Dunbarton Archers first 50 matches
2 CAS vs. Metropolis Paranoid Androids - 10/16/2007
(Dodge, Sidestep)
((Mighty Blow, Jump Up))
"From the bonny bells of heather
They brewed a drink long-syne,
Was sweeter far then honey,
Was stronger far than wine.
They brewed it and they drank it,
And lay in a blessed swound
For days and days together
In their dwellings underground."
-Heather Ale
(Dodge, Sidestep, Diving Tackle, Tackle)
((Mighty Blow))
(Block, Dodge, Sidestep)
((Mighty Blow))
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<i>"With finger pointing to many immortal songs,
And menacing voice, What singest thou? it said,
Know'st thou not there is but one theme for ever-enduring bards?
And that is the theme of War, the fortune of battles,
The making of perfect soldiers."</i>
<div align="center">-Walt Whitman</div>
2 TD vs. Kroetenband - 11/2/2007
2 TD vs. Spears of Ancient Glades - 11/5/2007
2 COMP vs. Run En Gunners II - 11/6/2007
2 COMP, CAS vs. Got a villain - 11/10/2007
2 CAS, COMP vs. MIst Guardians - 11/17/2007
(Sidestep, Diving Tackle)
((Mighty Blow))
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Guard (30k)
<i>"No; let this wish upon thee wait,
And still to flourish be thy fate.
To future ages may'st thou stand
Untouch'd by the rash workman's hand."</i>
<div align="center">-Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea</div>
3 TD vs. Goticos SA - 11/11/2007
2 TD, COMP vs. MIst Guardians - 11/17/2007
2 TD vs. Ancient Generals - 12/1/2007
(Sidestep, Kick, Diving Tackle)
((Guard, Mighty Blow))
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Sprint (20k)
<i>"So gradual in those summers was the going
of the age it seemed that the long days setting out
when the stars faded over the mountains were not
leaving us even as the birds woke in full song..."</i>
<div align="center">-W.S. Merwin</div>
4 TD, COMP vs. Lapse Coloured - 3/16/2008
2 TD vs. Go Woods - 2/8/2009
(Dirty Player, Sidestep, Sure Feet, Shadowing)
Block (20k)
Dauntless (20k)
Frenzy (20k)
Jump Up (20k)
Side Step (20k)
<i>"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight."</i>
<div align="center">-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow</div>
First catcher
2 TD vs. Mayhemizer's Dark Warriors - 11/4/2007
2 CAS, TD vs. Rata Blanca - 11/08/2007
(Shadowing, Sure Feet)
((Multiple Block))
Accurate (20k)
Safe Throw (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Sure Feet (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
<i>"Here the anthem doth commence:—
Love and constancy is dead;
Phoenix and the turtle fled
In a mutual flame from hence."</i>
<div align="center">-William Shakespeare</div>
4 COMP vs. Politeia - 1/3/2008
6 COMP vs. Bitter Elves - 1/3/2008
4 COMP vs. Lapse Coloured - 3/16/2008
(Catch, Dodge)