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Did you know? Up until now, 1510239 players have died on the pitch.
Autler Alcoholics
Sure Hands
Uwe Ball - The Balls are a landed family with a good parcel of land to their name. Uwe's father Emil was a moderately successful blitzer with the Reikland Reavers before Griff Oberwald came to the team. Griff replaced Emil when he got injured, and Griff's performance got Emil booted off the team to cut salary. Therefore, he poured his efforts into making Uwe Blood Bowl-material in the hopes of living vicariously through him. Uwe hasn't minded, since he'll avoid the army draft this way and pick up some girls (if he lives!). Uwe isn't adverse to hard work, but he'd rather leave it to other people when possible. He's definitely keeping an eye out to making big plays and impressing everyone in the stands.
Born in a Nuffle monastery Charlie Knoor has known nothing other then Bloodbowl for most his life. However after a really bad game (or good if you prefer that) of Bloodbowl, were the coach Patrick Bigbelly of the losing halfling team, Cookies N Cream, released a bloodlust-gas in the last few minutes of the game to get his team a few casualties. As it turned out mr Bigbelly was really bad at math and instead of only his own dugout the whole stadium erupted in a freenzy of bloodlust. In the following hour the bloodbowl monastary was raid and burnt down, the fans when released from the freenzy could do nothing but accept Nuffles fury and for some reason desided on collective suicide.
Without a home and a few thousand bodies to clean up cKnoor desided it had been a sign from above and joined the first humans bloodbowl team he could find.
After getting out of prison. Zexerous's violent tendencies naturally lead him towards the greatest sport of recent history. The Bloodbowl. Zexerous lurn reel guud.
A large, burly, stupid man who claimed to know magic, the Mystic Mongol found little work in the armies of the Old Empire. Frustrated, he swore allegiance to the god Nuffle, only to find the vast majority of coaches thought him a useless piece of dead weight. He finally got a position in the Altdorf Alcoholics, but only as a warm body to be stuck in front of the enemy. No matter... maybe he'll make something of himself yet. Or get a single niggling injury and be ejected from yet another industry.
The abandoned bastard child of an urban noble and a one eyed scullery maid, "Kekl Tarn" was found and raised by the owner of a tavern who had no children of his own due to an outbreak of syphilis. Dumb as a rock, but with the hand-eye coordination of an idiot savant, Kekl Tarn was first spotted as a potential bloodbowl player when he successfully caught a suicidal halfling that had thrown itself off a church steeple.
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
What he is doing in the old world is unknown, but he seems a bit obsessed with his blunderbuss when he is off the field. He has the casual nature and flippant attitude of a colonial who has just got off the boat from the Southern Wastes. Her got a chance as a freebooter, and now he has been welcomed onto the team.