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New Orleans Voodoo FC
Foul Appearance
Fingral Fennigan was to be the first of the experiments upon realising Harveys marvellous condition William discovered he could pass this trait onto others simply by close proximity or contact.
Fingral was an escaped convict running through the swamps evading Bloodhounds and several jailers, he was jailed for his part in a activist demonstration against the crown and emperor, his sentence should have been death but his spirit endured two attempts to hang him and one of poison each time coming back from the apparent cold of death.
As he was running he felt a scratch as he passed a tree, thinking that he had merely snagged a branch he continued soon to be overcome by a sensation of his skin being on fire and having a fever he collapsed but then as he had many times before he raised himself up again, bigger, better, badder than before.
He was later greeted by facing that looked the same but unknown and invited inside the stadia for refuge and discussion of futures purpose.
Name: Fingral Fennigan
Position: Blocker, Strong Safety
Age: 28
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 326 lbs
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
The Chief Jailer in charge of the re-capture of Fennigan, he was to become infected at the hands of the man he was to chase, but this time a mental change was also noticed, a genetic memory that recognised the VooDoo children as his kin, he joined the ranks without hesitation or thought.
Name: Murotan Kurnig
Position: Blocker, Defensive Tackle
Age: 41
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 345lbs
Foul Appearance
Ronaldinho made the long trip from the southern continent to find the Team at the heart of the mystery that he had heard much about, following two terrible seasons he found himself an outcast in his own country, shunned by the people that once called him friend, the first thing to go was his money, his family and finally his hope.
For years he was branded the Buck Toothed Wonder by fans and players alike for his lightening quick feet and ability to create something from nothing, then he was called the Buck Toothed Blunder and this broke him tot he point of leaving his own country in search of a new start.
He found the Stadium in the swamp and asked for his inclusion and re-birth to begin post haste.
Trying now to control the mutation gene and retain his mind intact at least he was blessed with an explosive speed and forceful tackle, now he is called the Bucktoothed Spotty Faced Pale Skinned Long Horned Butt Ugly Wonder, which to be honest isn't much of an improvement
Name: Ronaldinho
Position: Playmaker, Run Blocker
Age: 27
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 163 lbs
Sure Hands
Big Guy
Foul Appearance
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Break Tackle
The ever illusive and illusionary Barren Samedai. Now a face is given for the whole of OBBA to recognise. Heavily painted before game scaresly recognisable as human in game and illusive post game. Not much is known, may his help elevate our spirits.