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Drackenwold Gribblies
Side Step
After a successful career in the ballet, mainly in Bretonnia but touring as far and wide as Albion and Cathy, Sutler has reluctently entered the Blood Bowl scene along with his third cousin, eleven times removed, Lloyd Longstaff.
Much to veteren Longstaff's disgust, rookie Sutler has proven to just as good at Blood Bowl as he is on the Ballet stage.
Lloyd Longstaff, disgusted by his distant relative, Sidney Sutler's, obsession with ballet, persuaded his cousin to become a blood bowler. Much to veteren Longstaff's disgust, rookie Sutler has proven to just as good as he is.
During a recent game, Longstaff learned some new tricks which in turn improved his game. However this came at a price and became plagued by a knicked toe. A potion was given to Head Coach Igor 'Blood n Guts' Karkaroff, and was used to cure Longstaff and return him to perfect strength.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Having spent many years in the circus, Trapp grew tired of the constant irritating giggling of small children as he was made to stumble around and juggle for their amusement. He ate his trainer and joined the Drackenwold Gribblies and is now a hit with the much more 'mature' Blood Bowl crowd. "Who's laughing now?" is his cry whenever one of his opponents is killed by his hand.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Born of a privalaged family, Tristan was thrown out of his school because of reports of bullying by other students. During an appeal, his mother's cries of "he would never hurt a fly!" was ignored when Tristan overpowered and ate his Headmaster's secretary.
Now on the Blood Bowl field Tristan uses his weight and agressive nature to devastating effect.
"I love this lad!" head coach of the Gribblies, Igor 'Blood n Guts' Karkaroff, said of Tristan to reporters after his first match.
Self proclaimed lady's man, and all round show off, Timmy has proven to be quite capable off the Blood Bowl field, as well as on, having won 'The Annual Beauty Pagent for the Un-Beautiful' 819 years in a row.
His constant need for attention rarely causes problems with the team, as this usually results in the Gribblies winning their matches.
Angus's apparant inability to pick up or hang onto a ball, even in perfect, dry, conditions with glue on his hands, has forced head coach Igor 'Blood n Guts' Karkaroff to experiment with using the Ghoul in a defensive role, using his speed to tie up ball carriers long enough for the two Werewolf cousins to arrive.
Along with his life (and death) long friend Kurtis, Billy has no Star Player Points. This does not worry the fans however, as the Zombie adds a comical stance to the team. The day when Billy gets his first kill, or even score, will be a sad day for the Gribblies indeed.
An ex-professional Head Punter (a bloody sport similar to golf, which for some strange reason phased away due to lack of support), Helena now uses her kicking accuracy on the Blood Bowl field. The fact that she is weak as, well, a zombie, does not bother head coach Igor 'Blood n Guts' Karkaroff, as in his words, "all she has to do is kick".
Nephew of Ex-Gribblie Hans Everslime, the greatest Gribblies Zombie to date, Johnny has very large shoes to fill. Hopefully, this being his rookies season, Johnny can surprise fans and take over from where his Uncle left off.
Along with Billy, Kurtis has no Star Player Points; an unlikely thing for a player who has played every game in his teams history to date. This is not so much due to a lack of skill however, but more because of complete stupidity. It is rumoured that Kurtis wandered onto the field during the Gribblies tryouts, and lack of funds forced head coach Igor 'Blood n Guts' Karkaroff to hire him.
Like teammate Hans, Paul has only one leg. Fortunatly they each lost the opposite leg so are able to enjoy trips to the local Orcidas retailer and purchase a single pair of boots between them.
Unlike Hans however, Paul is not so successful on the Blood Bowl field. He has learned a few tricks in his time with his Gribblies though, and is heading upwards in Spike! Magazine's "most entertaining and improved Zombie leaderboard".