Royal Naboo Security Force
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Dirty Player
Don´t fuck with this guy!
He´s so mean, that Anakin chose him as the sole protector of Queen Amidala in his absence.
Knowing that he was the only one in the known univers, that would be able to fuck him up. If he would ever try to harm the Queen of Naboo...
According to journals, Darth Vader had him killed after the birth of Luke and Leia...
Truth be told... He only got married!
Aged on his 4th skillroll
An undisciplined member of the security force! Or more often then not, sent to the dug out for flirting with spectators or cheerleaders!
Are son of a notoriuos politician Wibor Pall, who has used his influence to get Tobias placed in the security force... Tobias are known for his lack of understanding of tactics and complete lack of any skill used in Galactic Blood Bowl
Are the foremost prospect at being accepted at the Royal Guard academy in Theed.
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite