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Drakwald Death Squad
Former 'Heroic' Captain of the team. The best thing to date that can be said about Janus is that while the opposition are punching him, they're not punching someone else. One of the highest recorded tacklers in the team, he can put 'em down, but he can't keep 'em down.
The the coach and the fans have finaly lost patience with Janus. After his last fiasco where he tripped up with the ball in an opponents endzone and badly hurt himself, Janus has been removed as Captain of the team. Igor Irongrad is now calling the shots, and unless Janus picks up his game, he will be off the team as soon as the DDS can afford to replace him.
Mighty Blow
One of the original Blitzers of the DDS. The sullen, slient counterpart to the fiery, now deceased, Vladimir Rage.
Igor hasn't said how he is taking the recent loss of his friend, though commentators have noted the increased brutality of his blocking. Igor Irongrad may not say much, but in some cases - actions speak louder than words.
Recently promoted to Team Captain over the incompetent Janus Bromley, it is hoped the far more experienced and successfull Igor can pull this team together.
The newest in a worryingly long line of blitzers for the DDS. Baphomet made his debut crippling a chaos warrior and scoring 2 touchdowns. It seems the new blood blitzers in the form of Baphomet and Uriel may be able to turn this team around.
The Death Squads 1st thrower. A veteran who has survived thus far while his number 2 throwers have been killed off and crippled one by one. As more of a running team, Archer often finds himself with nothing to do but plug gaps in the deffence and chase down the ball carrier. Experience has proven he can throw, but will his team recognise his abilities so he can really shine?
This plucky newcomer is starting to carve a name for himself. Consistently good performance on the pitch culminated in an amazing reception deep in the oppositions territory surrounded by enemy players, a deft dodge and an amazing touchdown.
He's had an impact on every game he's played.
Maybe Uriel can help the DDS actually win a game...
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Leaves a path of broken bodies behind him, when he remembers where he is...
One of the highest casualty makers in the team, but also the reason that they have lost so many games recently. It has been noted on several occasions his reluctance to 'get stuck in', either standing in the centre of the pitch day dreaming or getting 'knocked out' in the opening moves of the game.
His saving grace to date is the killing of the Ogre of the EastCowboys, known as Froggy. Critics have mentioned that this seemed to be accidental, as the Gooch appeared to faint as the opposing ogre charged in. This tripped the clumsy Froggy and broke his neck.
Of course The Gooch claimed that this was all part of the plan, though it was noted that he spent the rest of the match in the KO dugout complaining of a sprained ankle.
Many games on, and the The Gooch is still as unpredictable (and unreliable) as ever. From catching the ball at the kick off to getting KO'd by Goul are all part of a days work for him.
One of two 'line of scrimage' Linemen of the DDS. Happy to be left alone with his friend Diomed Loam in the centre of the field breaking heads. Petty concerns such as scoring they leave to others.
One of the up and comers of the team. Stomping up and down the field, and scoring a touchdown against some tricky Amazons. Hard to catch, harder to put down, those that try often end up being carted off themselves.
Critics and fans alike are watching this player with interest
The other half of the pair that are responsible with standing in the centre of the pitch and taking the worst the opposition can throw at them. Along with Forvus Gorge, Diomed either has the task of aiming The Gooch in the right direction, or picking up Jobe 'The Human Shield' Konrad off the floor.
A favourite with the fans, Unbergon is known for his mighty kicking abilities. Both with the ball and opponents heads.
His precise placement have gotten the DDS out of more than one scrape, though his fouling abilities seem to be lacking. Yet to injure someone, he tends to spend most of the game in the dugout after getting caught nearly every time.
Jobe is the new replacemnt 2nd thrower for the sadly missed Jakoba Gene. Nerves can only have got the better of this rookie player, as in his first match he quite spectaculary failed to even pick up the ball on several occasions, and when he did, he dropped it...in his own teams endzone.
Shortly after this he was set upon by a Blitz-Ra and broke his hip. The coach was heard to comment - 'that saves me the bloody job'. After this feeble display, Jobe is being put in the front lines to either earn back his teams respect, or die (screaming) trying.
He has recently been awarded an MVP so the public must be warming to him at last. Or they just think his death will be especially entertaining.
Several games under his belt, and his performance still ranges from feeble to pathetic. Unable to dodge, throw, pick up or block, Jobe is as equally despised by his team as the fans. In fact the only thing he has picked up in his career is his new nick-name 'The Human Shield'.
Take a guess why.
Until recently Blarius has been under the shadow of his fellow (and more successful) Catcher Jeramiah Strafe. A few non-serious injuries for Strafe forced this ambitious individual into the limelight, and fans and critics alike agree that he has risen to the challenge.
Not as fast as his counterpart, Blarius is has a far mor aggressive style of play. He will fearlessly dive into the midst of the opposition, sack the ball carrier and sprint for the endzone.
Now with the death of his friend and rival Jeramiah Strafe, Blarius is now under the spotlight to keep the touchdowns coming in.