24 coaches online • Server time: 13:28
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Head of the Family. His bloodthirst have led him on a path that can lead to only one thing, the death of either him or his enemies on the pitch. Until now the constant death of his enemies have never ceased to flow...
He got niggled and so told his beloved Countess Helene to perform an ancient ritual that would restore his body, which she did but his body got so weak all his skills got forgotten and have to be relearned. But time is on his side...
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Mighty Blow
Countess Helene is the brain behind Nightmare Creature, to her he can pretend to be the frontfigure for all he wants, it justs suits her plans, for now atleast. When Nightmare Creature asked her to revive his body she planned to take complete control of him but his mind was so twisted she failed and nearly died with the attempt.
But if one is fooled into thinking she is a player that rather plans then acts its probably the last thing one does because on the pitch she is an opponent to be feared.
Apart from Countess Helene its only Scary Thing that has competed in every game this team has played. A pity he havent achivied more...
This Thrall have gotten the boots that match his playing style! A kick in the head while the opponent is on the ground!
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Amelia is the newest addition to the team and is a quick learner compared to Noctifer. But the naive fool of a vampire he is, he thinks hes the better player of the two. She is content with letting him believe that. After all he is rather handsome. And she is so bored with the human virgins, would be fun with a real vampire for a little while...
Hypnotic Gaze
Off For a Bite
Noctifer is Nightmare Creature´s apprentice. He desperately wants to prove his worth on the pitch and after a slow start he has started to pick up how things work, how to do a TD, how to Cas someone, how to pass, how to pick up the ball, how to dodge and the most important thing of all, how to pick on the thralls!
Origin of the name
The name Noctifer comes from an ancient belief: The earliest astronomers knew of two of stars, one which appeared in the morning and one which appeared in the evening. They did not know that these stars were in fact the same object, the planet Venus. The Romans also had two names for this, and the evening star was called Vesper, or Noctifer (Bringer of Night).