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Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Nicknamed "B.A." on acount of his 'bad attitude' (he used to enjoy beating up senior officers whilst in Vietnam), B.A. is possibly one of the nicest guys there is, devoting his little free time to helping poor children. B.A. is the team's mechanic and has a truly amazing talent for making impressive machinery e.g. a tank from a standard pipe and the odd matchstick! And he managed to achieve this despite the weight of jewellery on his hands and around his neck - an amount that would have caused any mortal man to just keel over.
Still, B.A. did have his one weakness - flying. He, on no accounts, would get on a 'plane while conscious ("I die before I fly"), so it fell to the rest of the team to knock him out first (a swift tap on the back of the head with a wrench or an injection would usually do it). However, even though he wouldn't fly, he was the A-Teams driver and dedicated a lot of time to the van. B.A. also never got along too well with Murdock who he would often call "a crazy fool" before trying to throttle him.
The cigar chomping leader of the A-Team was forever "on the jazz" (meaning he loved the adrenaline of action). He just loved to play it tough and cocky to the biggest bad guy. Named after the Carthaginian general who almost destroyed the Roman Empire 2200 years ago. Like his namesake, Hannibal is a master tactician, but his plans never quite turned out as they were supposed to. According to Amy Allen, "Hannibal's plans never work like they're supposed to, they just work".
Hannibal was also famed for his "mastery" of disguise - usually involving a wig and a pair of false teeth, that any person with some semblance of vision could have seen through. Nethertheless he was man the Team revolved around and after every successful victory he would utter his infamous catchphrase, "I just love it when a plan comes together!".
Face was the A-Team's conman, often managing to cheat people out of everything they owned and still leave them smiling. Whatever was needed, be it a lawnmower engine (in the jungle) or an American Air Force Jet (in Peru) he could obtain it. And if the hapless victim was female it was all the easier for Face (nicknamed on account of his clean-cut good looks). However, Face was never one for the inevitable fighting that being an A-Team member entailed, and he was forever complaining about getting hit too often.
Face was effectively second in command to Hannibal in the A-Team (Murdock technically had a higher rank, but he was certified insane), but he devoted much more time to the women and seemed to get one during every mission - simply by smiling at them.
He also has been seen (presumably whilst off-duty) flying Colonial Viper-class starfighters.
The craziest member of the A-Team resided in a military mental hospital for most of his time and it wasn't hard to see why. Running through different personalities like a hot knife through butter, and talking randomly to objects and things that did not exist. B.A. had a particular problem with this "crazy fool".
However, despite his umm.. inconsistencies, Murdock was a top class pilot. He'd fly anything and fly it well - if a crash was iminent he was the man to get the 'plane down safely. Despite his mental state (and was he really crazy?), he was an irreplacable member of the Team.
My cat. Well, my several-month-old kitten. The cutest, fluffiest, most adorable creature you'll ever meet. God alone knows what she's doing in the A-Team, and much less as a blitzer.
Tawnia Baker was a friend of Amy Allen at the Los Angeles Courier and took over her role in the A-Team (although she was never really a real member of the team like Amy) when she left to become foreign correspondent. Tawnia first appeared in the episode "The Battle for Bel-Air". Tawnia was not associated with the A-Team for long before she left to get married.
Frankie became the fifth member of the team during the current season at the request of General Stockwell. Santana was a special effects expert before he was caught up in the A-Team, but had to stay with the team after he was also outlawed.
Where would the team be without their trusty black and red van?
Colonel Decker pursued the Team (along with his trusty sidekick, Captain Crane) over the past few seasons He disliked the Team from his time as an officer in Lustria, and particularly hated Hannibal (as almost every A-Team bad guy did, it must have been his cocky attitude that didn't go down well with his fellow officers). Decker even managed to join the team eventually.
General Fulbright pursued the team during the last season, and disliked them very much. In his final appearance he had a sudden change of heart, and pronounced the A-Team to be not guilty of robbing The National Bank of Brentonia. He then enlisted the teams help to track down his daughter in Lustria. Unfortunately, at the end of this mission Fulbright was killed. But he's back, for your entertainment pleasure, in the all-star A-Team Line Up. Don't ask US how, just blame the script-writers.
General Stockwell appeared during the current season. The A-Team were captured by the Imperial Army and faced a court martial followed by death. It was Stockwell who aided their escape from the firing squad, although he may have initiated the capture in the first place. He then made The A-Team work for him in a fixed number of operations before they would receive a full pardon.
Stockwell was a rather shady character to say the least. It was unclear which of Imperial governmental branches he worked for. Now, however, he's a team-member. Again, blame the script-writers.
Fighting Nighthawks in the sky
Brave and loyal are these guys!
Brothers turning wrong to right,
Never running from a fight, fight, fight!
-The Nighthawk Commando Theme Song