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Original Futarama player.This season hes not quite reached his goal of becoming the best blitzer on the squad.He's also the supporting captain of Futarama he decides to use brawn over brain which ends up in him getting stuck in the middle of the blockade.
Original Futarama player.Is a very skilled player she has scored a touchdown and is very good at blocking.She is effective at all but throwing she has been reccorded throughout bloodbowl as a great player as a beginner and it is said that she could join new teams like Ten Wholesale Foulers.She ended first in the mvp roll and is the crowd fave.
Original Futarama player.The captin of Futarama he has guided Futarama through many tough situantions recently .Against Back To The Future He caused Futarama's 2-0 win.He is terribly popular and has brainwashed his fans to try and beat and tie up the ref at the start of a match.He is also starting his own own training which can lead to whipping the players into shape literally.
Original Futarama player.He hasn't been a good player but is getting secret training from the Mighty Zug.he is pretty good at blocking but he is still known throughout blood bowl.
Original Futarama player.Benders right hand man even though he's got the same star points as him he is even better.The twosome are quite known for double blitzing a player at a time.He is also good friends with Zap Branigan he is usually back defending him when he has the ball.
Original Futarama player.He is friends with Amy and he is supportive to all the catchers.He is not a good line of scrimmage player unlike Zylax.
Original Futarama player.He has made one of the best starts in the history of the Futarama team by getting a touchdown against Back to the Future and causing a casualty against the Beckenham Brawlers.He's also assisted Amy in scoring both touchdowns and his touchdown was described by Hermes the team captain as follows "well I was blocking dere players and then de ball came to me so I thru it at Zylax but he tripped up lukly e was in der endzone".
Original Futarama player.He hasn't made a good start but dosen't care about doing the things that the other linemen do because he just cares about defending the person with the ball.He is not quite the brainbox he hardly ever gets on the los but the rest of the squad are okay with it because of what Hermes said as follows "at least he's not useless like a lump of garbage."
Original Futarama player.He has not achieved much this season except two amazing complete passes and is not quite good at anything but throwing which leads to a small amount of star points.
Sure Hands
Original Futarama player.She is is the joint first player with Zylax she is the best scorer for the team for she has 4 touchdowns.She is a very valuble player who has a bright future in bloodbowl to come on to new teams mabye even the best ones like New Ostland saints.
Original Futarama player. He is not very good and has been in Amy's shadow for quite some time and he now wants to show people how good he really is.
He was bought with Futaramas extra money when they needed a player to aid people on the LOS. He has only played two games but has done quite well at blocking players and could eventually become really good...we hope.
Bought with extra money to be helpful to Zap Branigan and also as a back up thrower.He's only been in one match and turned out as a normal player.